- Primarily, the Senior Warden is responsible for serving as the deputy for the Worshipful Master, who is the leader of the elected Lodge officers. As a deputy, the Senior Warden must run the Lodge meetings in the absence of the Master. When the Senior Warden is acting in this capacity, he is known as the Acting Master. He may introduce new business, close old business, and generally exercise the power of the master, if so empowered. In the event of the Master's death, the Senior Warden must take over the position for the remainder of the term. Senior Wardens may also speak for the Lodge if the Master authorizes him to do so.
- Senior Wardens, after a year of commendable service to the Lodge, are normally elected to the position of Worshipful Master for the following year. Accordingly, Senior Wardens are responsible for preparing the next year's calendar of events, and for drafting a list of possible candidates for the nine committee chairmanships the Master must appoint at the beginning of his term. Senior Wardens must also study the Master and learn from him, so that he may discharge his duties, both present and future, as well as possible.
- During official Masonic rituals, like the induction of new members, the three top officers, the Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, and Junior Warden, sit in the east, west, and southern ends of the room respectively. The Senior Warden fulfills the Seat of the West, and in this capacity, is responsible for asking and answering scripted questions during the rituals, performing customary actions, and otherwise assisting the progress of the esoteric rites of the Lodge.
- The Senior Warden is mandated to attend, if possible, Lodge events throughout the year and to participate in official functions. His position also requires him to observe the moral and philosophical development of the Lodge membership and to give advice and assistance when needed. The Senior Warden must also appoint Lodge education mentors, who work with developing Freemasons and give them guidance. The Western Seat must also assist the Worshipful Master generally in the execution of his duties.
Deputy Master
Prepare to Become the Worshipful Master
Seat of the West
Miscellaneous Duties