Preparedness plays a big role in security and safety within the home.
A little bit of precaution and preplanning can go a long way in keeping us safe from the many hazards and threats we face daily, even inside of our own walls.
Sometimes, knowing how to prepare can feel overwhelming.
But if just twice a year you run through a basic home security checklist, you can avoid a lot of future headaches while keeping you and your loved ones safe: 1.
Home Alarm System Check Run a test of your home alarm or home security system twice a year to make sure that it is still in working order.
If you notice a delay in its sounding or a lack of sensitivity, call in security technicians to tweak and repair the apparatus.
Making small repairs now will save you big bucks later, and knowing that your alarm is in working order will surely help you to rest better at night.
Natural Gas Revision This is an item on the list that only really has to be checked off once a year.
However, it should be checked off.
Call your natural gas company to get names of installers, and hire one to revise the gas artifacts and connections around your house.
Carbon Monoxide poisoning as a result of natural gas leaks can be deadly.
They can also be avoided if you make sure that your connection is in working order and up-to-date.
Smoke Alarm Test Spend some time thinking about the fire alarms installed around your home.
If they would be better off placed in another room, move them around.
Make sure that all alarms are working properly.
Replace all batteries in each and every apparatus whether or not it is functioning twice a year to avoid worrying about their power running out.
Repair and Replace Doors and Windows This one is pretty self-explanatory.
A broken lock on a door or a cracked window can give an intruder easier access into your home.
Twice a year, check the locks on your doors and windows and make sure that they cannot be easily broken or forced open.
Repair doors and replace windows that present potential problems.
Identify Safety Hazards Think about what you are doing to avoid possible safety hazards in your home.
If you have small children, make sure that stairs are properly blocked off.
Take precautions to keep electro-domestics, including exercise equipment and washing machines, out of their reach.
If you live with an elderly person, make sure access to the bathtub is not too difficult, and set up a plan of emergency in case of a fall.
Even if you live alone, take a look around to identify possible hazards around your house.
The home should be a haven away from the chaos we face outside.
Spending a few hours just twice a year to make sure that our havens are safe and secure can lift weights off of our shoulders and keep us safe and sound all year long.
A little bit of precaution and preplanning can go a long way in keeping us safe from the many hazards and threats we face daily, even inside of our own walls.
Sometimes, knowing how to prepare can feel overwhelming.
But if just twice a year you run through a basic home security checklist, you can avoid a lot of future headaches while keeping you and your loved ones safe: 1.
Home Alarm System Check Run a test of your home alarm or home security system twice a year to make sure that it is still in working order.
If you notice a delay in its sounding or a lack of sensitivity, call in security technicians to tweak and repair the apparatus.
Making small repairs now will save you big bucks later, and knowing that your alarm is in working order will surely help you to rest better at night.
Natural Gas Revision This is an item on the list that only really has to be checked off once a year.
However, it should be checked off.
Call your natural gas company to get names of installers, and hire one to revise the gas artifacts and connections around your house.
Carbon Monoxide poisoning as a result of natural gas leaks can be deadly.
They can also be avoided if you make sure that your connection is in working order and up-to-date.
Smoke Alarm Test Spend some time thinking about the fire alarms installed around your home.
If they would be better off placed in another room, move them around.
Make sure that all alarms are working properly.
Replace all batteries in each and every apparatus whether or not it is functioning twice a year to avoid worrying about their power running out.
Repair and Replace Doors and Windows This one is pretty self-explanatory.
A broken lock on a door or a cracked window can give an intruder easier access into your home.
Twice a year, check the locks on your doors and windows and make sure that they cannot be easily broken or forced open.
Repair doors and replace windows that present potential problems.
Identify Safety Hazards Think about what you are doing to avoid possible safety hazards in your home.
If you have small children, make sure that stairs are properly blocked off.
Take precautions to keep electro-domestics, including exercise equipment and washing machines, out of their reach.
If you live with an elderly person, make sure access to the bathtub is not too difficult, and set up a plan of emergency in case of a fall.
Even if you live alone, take a look around to identify possible hazards around your house.
The home should be a haven away from the chaos we face outside.
Spending a few hours just twice a year to make sure that our havens are safe and secure can lift weights off of our shoulders and keep us safe and sound all year long.