It is almost Thanksgiving.
Most people in America eat turkey on Thanksgiving.
Some people eat it roasted, some like it grilled or smoked.
Some people eat it deep fried, and some people have it TV dinner style.
In recent years, deep fried turkey has become quite a national tradition.
Many people like to inject their poultry with seasoning before putting it into the turkey fryer.
By getting the flavors inside the meat you don't have to worry about the hot frying oil washing the rub or seasonings off.
This will also insure you having a nice juicy turkey.
First you want to buy or make your marinade.
There are plenty of recipes out there for turkey injection marinades.
Find one that suits your fancy, with ingredients that you know you like.
Place your turkey in a roasting pan.
A trick that I learned from The BBQ Dr.
is to cover your bird with plastic wrap.
This will keep the marinade from splashing back at you.
Fill your seasoning injector.
Pierce right through the plastic wrap into the turkey.
The important thing to remember is to inject the turkey all over.
Put a little in each hole.
(Make sure you distribute the injection evenly so you don't get pockets of hot marinade).
Do the breast, the legs, the thighs, even the wings.
Flip your turkey over, cover again with plastic wrap, and inject the bottom side as well.
There are portions of the breast and thighs that you may have missed by just injecting from the top side.
Wipe off any marinade they may have run with paper towels.
You want to make sure that your turkey is nice and dry before lowering it into the hot frying oil.
After your turkey is done cooking, don't forget to let it rest before slicing.
Most people in America eat turkey on Thanksgiving.
Some people eat it roasted, some like it grilled or smoked.
Some people eat it deep fried, and some people have it TV dinner style.
In recent years, deep fried turkey has become quite a national tradition.
Many people like to inject their poultry with seasoning before putting it into the turkey fryer.
By getting the flavors inside the meat you don't have to worry about the hot frying oil washing the rub or seasonings off.
This will also insure you having a nice juicy turkey.
First you want to buy or make your marinade.
There are plenty of recipes out there for turkey injection marinades.
Find one that suits your fancy, with ingredients that you know you like.
Place your turkey in a roasting pan.
A trick that I learned from The BBQ Dr.
is to cover your bird with plastic wrap.
This will keep the marinade from splashing back at you.
Fill your seasoning injector.
Pierce right through the plastic wrap into the turkey.
The important thing to remember is to inject the turkey all over.
Put a little in each hole.
(Make sure you distribute the injection evenly so you don't get pockets of hot marinade).
Do the breast, the legs, the thighs, even the wings.
Flip your turkey over, cover again with plastic wrap, and inject the bottom side as well.
There are portions of the breast and thighs that you may have missed by just injecting from the top side.
Wipe off any marinade they may have run with paper towels.
You want to make sure that your turkey is nice and dry before lowering it into the hot frying oil.
After your turkey is done cooking, don't forget to let it rest before slicing.