Business & Finance Blogging

Auto Blogging - What is it and how do you make money from Auto Blogging

What is auto blogging and How does it work?

Many people have heard of auto blogging and are not quite sure what it means. The tremendous activity generated by the launch of Auto Blog System X made people even more curious about auto blogging? Well it relates to blogging and it relates to making money from blogging but in an automated manner.

auto blogging, autoblogging,

A traditional blog like is a one person blog. I write an article and post it on my blog. Some larger outfits like Mashable and Technorati have a large staff but most blogs are authored by one person. People subscribe to my blog via RSS, email or Twitter. When I write a new post, my readers get notified by RSS, or Twitter or by scheduled email. Others just make it a habit to visit my blog once in a while. Some tie a Google Alert to their Reader like Google Reader and every time I have a new post, it shows up on their reader. There are several other readers besides Google but I just want to explain how content is delivered from a blog.

Search engines index my blog and if they like the content, it shows very prominently on relevant searches.

All the above is great for me as it draws more and more people to my blog. I monetize the traffic through Ads on my site and many people sign up for my mailing list which is another plus.

Now my blog is related to internet marketing and people with that field of interest visit. What if I create another blog about Golf and post golf related Ads and affiliate offers on that blog. That will create another source of revenue for me. So why don't I keep creating new blogs every day? Because somebody has to generate content for these blogs. Even if I write all day long, I can't possibly create content for more than a few blogs.

I can hire a group of writers and make them write all day. That is very viable and some do but is expensive. The rewards are greater in the end but the upfront payroll expenses are more than an average person can afford.

What if we can automate the process of creating new blogs somehow, snatch content from wherever, post it on the blog, slap some Ads on it and move on to the next blog. Well that is exactly what is called auto blogging.

If you would like to learn more, feel free to visit my blog.

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