Health & Medical Anxiety

Anxiety Attack Symptoms and Remedies - Things You Should Know!

If you suffer from anxiety attack symptoms, you are not alone.
Many people experience acute anxiety in a variety of situations.
This can be very upsetting and disruptive to your life.
Anxiety attacks can be caused by any number of things, and sometimes there is no obvious cause.
Symptoms of Anxiety Attacks Anxiety attack symptoms come in a variety of forms.
They may include: ** Extreme fear of anxiety, even panic.
** Sweating ** Palpitations or increased heart rate ** Shaking or trembling ** Feelings of disorientation or confusion ** Pain in various parts of the body, such as chest or stomach ** Feelings of impending death or doom Causes of Anxiety Attacks Anxiety attacks can be caused by certain predictable situations, or they can occur for no known reason.
In some cases, a person with a certain phobia, such as a social phobia, a fear of public speaking or a fear of closed in spaces, may experience an anxiety attack whenever they encounter this situation.
Some people experience panic attacks at irregular intervals, and without any specific cause.
The attacks may occur in public or at home.
Some people wake up in the middle of the night with anxiety attacks.
Sometimes attacks begin with an upsetting life event, such as the death of a loved one, a divorce or a job loss.
Treatments for Anxiety Attacks If you have a specific phobia, or your anxiety attacks occur in predictable situations, then the cause can be determined and addressed.
Hypnosis or systematic desensitization can be effective at treating phobias.
Hypnosis or relaxation techniques can also help with other types of anxiety attacks.
If you can learn to relax deeply enough, you can gradually learn to manage even the fear experienced during an anxiety attack.
Drugs may be prescribed if the fear is intense enough.
This can help to alleviate anxiety.
The danger with this kind of treatment is that you end up depending on the drug.
There are also herbal and homeopathic remedies that can be helpful in treating anxiety attacks.
Rescue Remedy, one of the Bach Flower Remedies is something that often helps.
This is either squeezed into a glass of water with a dropper or applied directly into the patient's mouth.
Anxiety attack symptoms and treatments vary, as every case is unique.
However, with patience and a search for the underlying cause, anxiety attacks can be successfully treated.
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