Having a custom blog has recently become the norm for many successful people in the blogging industry.
It allows you to stand out from the masses and gives a feeling of professionalism for anyone arriving on your blog.
However, many people that get started with blogs often come to a halt when it comes to customizing their background layouts.
They don't have the needed skills or programs available to customize their blogs and also don't know where to find people to perform these tasks.
This is the purpose for this report as I have seen many questions being asked on this topic.
The most popular program being used today to designing cool backgrounds for blogs is photoshop.
Photoshop is an adobe product that costs around $700.
If you are new to photoshop, there can be many hours spent learning the system as there is a major learning curve involved.
If you are willing to put in the time, money and effort into learning this system, it can pay back dividends in the long run.
If you are not willing to put the time, money and effort in learning how to use photoshop, you can look to hire people to build a custom blog.
You can find professional graphic designers on Odesk, Warrior Forum & Project4Hire.
There are many other places to find graphic designers, but these are probably the most known.
Whomever you decide to work with, make sure you are specific in your design.
You will be surprised what some graphic designers can actually pull off.
Many designers have made a full time living designing awesome backgrounds and have earned their right to do so.
I have made many friends in the graphics industry that continually blow my mind with some cool backgrounds they come up with.
So if you want a chrome blog with Rosewood std text and a lightning bolt on the right side of the page, then ask for such.
They are there to work for you, and better yet, work with you throughout the design.
So make sure to be detailed in your background layouts -- whether it be awesome backgrounds, pretty backgrounds or cool backgrounds.
It allows you to stand out from the masses and gives a feeling of professionalism for anyone arriving on your blog.
However, many people that get started with blogs often come to a halt when it comes to customizing their background layouts.
They don't have the needed skills or programs available to customize their blogs and also don't know where to find people to perform these tasks.
This is the purpose for this report as I have seen many questions being asked on this topic.
The most popular program being used today to designing cool backgrounds for blogs is photoshop.
Photoshop is an adobe product that costs around $700.
If you are new to photoshop, there can be many hours spent learning the system as there is a major learning curve involved.
If you are willing to put in the time, money and effort into learning this system, it can pay back dividends in the long run.
If you are not willing to put the time, money and effort in learning how to use photoshop, you can look to hire people to build a custom blog.
You can find professional graphic designers on Odesk, Warrior Forum & Project4Hire.
There are many other places to find graphic designers, but these are probably the most known.
Whomever you decide to work with, make sure you are specific in your design.
You will be surprised what some graphic designers can actually pull off.
Many designers have made a full time living designing awesome backgrounds and have earned their right to do so.
I have made many friends in the graphics industry that continually blow my mind with some cool backgrounds they come up with.
So if you want a chrome blog with Rosewood std text and a lightning bolt on the right side of the page, then ask for such.
They are there to work for you, and better yet, work with you throughout the design.
So make sure to be detailed in your background layouts -- whether it be awesome backgrounds, pretty backgrounds or cool backgrounds.