- An alphabet theme is especially appropriate for a co-ed shower.ardoise alphabet image by Unclesam from <a href='http://www.fotolia.com'>Fotolia.com</a>
Themed wedding showers are very popular as they provide a structured idea that guides guests in their choice of gifts, without limiting them to the items listed on the happy couple's registry. An alphabet shower is an ingenious alternative, that allows each guest to get creative, while narrowing down the options. Each invitee is assigned a letter of the alphabet, and is instructed to purchase something that starts with that letter as a present. - Buying for an alphabet shower should be entertaining. The whole idea is to have a good time, finding the most creative thing you can that starts with your assigned letter. If you happen to be assigned a vowel, there are many items that will fit the bill perfectly.
"A" is for apples, appetizers and alcohol. People that are assigned the letter "A" can purchase an appetizer cookbook, an apple corer or a bottle of alcohol.
"E" stands for energizer, eggs and envelopes, so batteries, egg cups and personalized envelopes are all viable options.
"I" is the starting letter of ice cube, iron and Irish, so you could pick up an ice bucket, an iron and ironing board or the makings of Irish coffee.
"O" can be an oven mitt, an omelette pan or fancy olive oil.
"U" stands for umbrella, under the counter radio and utensils. - Some letters just aren't as common as others, and so can pose a greater challenge. If you are assigned J, Q, X, Y or Z you may find yourself stumped. Try one of these ideas to keep with the theme:
"J" is for juicer, jalapeno plant or jelly collection.
"Q" is for quiche cookbook, queen sized bedding or a quilt.
"X" is for "X-Files" DVDs, an xylophone and "X's and O's" cookie cutters.
"Y" is for yellow towels, yarn and yo-yo's.
"Z" is for a zoo membership, a zinnia and a zebra print rug. - No matter what letter you are assigned, there is bound to be something that starts with that letter. Some letters have an abundance of options, some of which will be obvious, like buying a blender if you are assigned the letter "B." If, however, you would like to do something a little more creative with your assignment, try something like beeswax candles or BBQ sauce. The more creative you are, the more unexpected your gift is, the more laughter and hilarity that will ensue at the shower.
Less Common Letters
Other Ideas