- 1). Cut 10 pieces of PVC pipe, each eight feet long.
- 2). Tie three pieces of PVC together loosely, two feet from one end of each pipe, by wrapping the twine in between the pipes multiple times and tying off with a double knot
- 3). Position the three poles in the form of a tripod where you wish to set up the tent.
- 4). Position the seven remaining poles so that they are leaning against the point where the three poles come together to form the body of the tepee. Leave one section of the tepee without poles wide enough to allow the children to use it as a door.
- 5). Fold the tarp in half so that it is 6 feet by 9 feet.
- 6). Tie the string around the sharpie and cut a length of string six feet long.
- 7). Hold the end of the string one foot from a corner along the fold of the tarp, and draw a semicircle by having a helper pull tight on the string and passing it in an arc across the tarp, then cut out the tarp along the mark.
- 8). Position the tarp around the top of the PVC structure, with the flat side just below where the pipes come together, and punch two pairs of holes through each flap of the tarp so that the holes on one flap align over the holes on the other.
- 9). Secure the tarps together by passing the sticks through the holes in each flap. Each stick will pass through one pair of holes on each tarp.
- 10
Punch ten holes in the tarp near the rounded edge, with each hole aligned over the base of one pole, then secure the tarp to the poles using twine.