- 1). Upload the digital image from your camera to your computer, if you have not done so already. Store the image file on your desktop or somewhere you can easily find it.
- 2). Move your cursor over to the digital picture file you wish to edit. Right-click the image with your mouse. A list should come up with options.
- 3). Move the cursor down the options list to the "Open With" command. Now you should see a list of image viewing and editing software available on your computer. For the purpose of this example, click on “Paint.” The program should now load to the screen and your photo should be in the editing area.
- 4). Look at the right-hand edge of the photo. If the photo is large, you will need to scroll over. There will be a very small square or dot halfway down the far right edge of the photo. The same dot or square is on the bottom edge of the photo and another in the right-hand corner.
- 5). Move your cursor to the right-hand side of the photo to the small square. A little horizontal arrow should appear when your cursor is directly over the little square (or dot).
- 6). Hold the left-click mouse button down and move the arrow to the left. This is how to crop the right side. To crop the bottom of the photo, move your cursor down to the bottom of the image and find the small square. When the arrow appears, you can hold down the left-click button on your mouse and move the bottom line of the image. Alternatively, you can click on a small square in the bottom right-hand corner and move the lines from the bottom and the right-hand side of the photo concurrently.
- 7). Click on “Image” in Paint's top tool bar, and then choose "Flip/rotate" to turn the photo in order to crop the other side. Choose “Horizontal” to do the left side, and click “Vertical” to work on the bottom. Make sure you turn the photo back the right way before working on another section or it can get confusing.
- 8). Click on “File” in Paint’s top tool bar. You will be given the option to “Save” or “Save As.” It's best to choose “Save As” for any photo you’ve edited. This way you will make sure to have a copy of the original. Choose a file name dissimilar to the original file name to avoid confusion later.