- 1
Open a new document in MS Paint. Select the pencil tool and select the color you wish to use for the line work. Click and drag the pencil tool down diagonally and then into a "V" shape. Drag the pencil tool up diagonally to the right to the complete the face. Draw a curved rectangle above the face for the headband. Click on the left side of the face and drag the pencil tool down and then to the right with a curved line. Drag the line up and then back toward the left to connect with Naruto's right cheek. This will complete the collar. - 2). Click on the bottom left of the collar and drag the pencil tool down and to the left. Curve the line to the right and then turn the line to the left to connect to the bottom right corner of the collar.
- 3
Click on the left side of Naruto's face and drag three diagonal lines across his left cheek. Repeat this process on the right cheek. Click just below the headband and drag a curved line under the headband to create an eyelid. Click in the middle of this shape and drag the tool in circular shape to create the pupil and iris. Click on the middle of the face and make a "L" shape for the nose. Place the tool just below the nose and draw a curved line to create the mouth. - 4
Click on the upper left corner of the headband and draw a jagged line that darts in and out to create triangular shapes around the head of the character. - 5
Select the paint bucket tool and dump yellow into the hair section. Select the beige color and dump this into the face. Click on the orange color and dump this on the middle of the collar, and just below each shoulder. Click on blue and dump this on the shoulders, headband, and irises. Click on black and dump this on in the pupils.