Light Field Camera (Light Field Camera), just as its name implies, it is no longer the capture a smooth, but the Light Field (Light Field). Light field camera to capture a scene from all directions of light, can let users in the finished making photos with computer focus again after treatment, the pictures of the perfect effect.
Light field camera the related research at Stanford university began in the early 1990 s, when the researchers to capture light field, whole used the 100 camera. A few days ago, the United States Lytro company launched the world first light field camera, small enough to be direct chuai to his pocket.
Lytro camera size for 41 mm x 41 mm x 112 mm; Using ultra light aluminium alloy enclosure, the weight of 214 grams only; Lytro carrying his light field sensor, and Lytro light field engine 1.0 technology; 8 x optical zoom; F / 2 fixed aperture; 11 million pixels; 1.6 square feet touch screen LCD; The built-in a piece of high performance of lithium battery.
The light from appearance to look, Lytro is unusual. The whole department in the fuselage of a cuboid, tonal fitting by two parts. A day is smooth surface of cylinder lens, a quarter of the camera is "brains", carrying a digital chip, touch LCD screen, high capacity of lithium battery and the most key micro lenses (microlens) module. In the camera shutter buttons on top, designed to a circular groove. At the same time, this camera is equipped with a USB port and a zoom the slider, including zoom the slider is used to control the 8 x optical zoom, focal length of 35-280 mm f / 2 zoom lens. All of these can be striking the industrial design, but the biggest breakthrough or in the camera inside.
Traditional camera use is the single point focus image sensor, that means that there can be only one direction to light sensor, the users receive only had a scene portions of the video, that is the shooting scene there can only be one part highlights get the key. The principle of construction and eye is very similar, limitations is obvious.
Light field camera the related research at Stanford university began in the early 1990 s, when the researchers to capture light field, whole used the 100 camera. A few days ago, the United States Lytro company launched the world first light field camera, small enough to be direct chuai to his pocket.
Lytro camera size for 41 mm x 41 mm x 112 mm; Using ultra light aluminium alloy enclosure, the weight of 214 grams only; Lytro carrying his light field sensor, and Lytro light field engine 1.0 technology; 8 x optical zoom; F / 2 fixed aperture; 11 million pixels; 1.6 square feet touch screen LCD; The built-in a piece of high performance of lithium battery.
The light from appearance to look, Lytro is unusual. The whole department in the fuselage of a cuboid, tonal fitting by two parts. A day is smooth surface of cylinder lens, a quarter of the camera is "brains", carrying a digital chip, touch LCD screen, high capacity of lithium battery and the most key micro lenses (microlens) module. In the camera shutter buttons on top, designed to a circular groove. At the same time, this camera is equipped with a USB port and a zoom the slider, including zoom the slider is used to control the 8 x optical zoom, focal length of 35-280 mm f / 2 zoom lens. All of these can be striking the industrial design, but the biggest breakthrough or in the camera inside.
Traditional camera use is the single point focus image sensor, that means that there can be only one direction to light sensor, the users receive only had a scene portions of the video, that is the shooting scene there can only be one part highlights get the key. The principle of construction and eye is very similar, limitations is obvious.