Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Step-by-Step Bichon Grooming

    Tools of the Trade

    • The key to proper grooming lies in the correct tools. An adult Bichon has a double coat that requires a pin brush to reach down into the undercoat and a slicker brush for brushing guard hairs. You also need a wide-tooth comb to help work through tangles, and a fine-tooth comb for working around the face. Grooming scissors, detangling spray, shampoo, a hair dryer, tweezers, nail clippers, styptic gel or powder for the occasional bleeding toenail, cotton balls, a toothbrush and toothpaste round out the list of required supplies. Ask for assistance at your pet shop if you need help in purchasing the correct supplies.

    Step 1: Daily

    • Brush your Bichon's coat and teeth and check eyes on a daily basis. Since the Bichon does not shed, daily brushing will remove dead hair and debris from his coat. To make brushing easier, train him to lie on his side. Brush away from the skin using gentle strokes, spray and work through tangles with your fingers as best you can before using the wide tooth comb to detangle. Start with the pin brush, and brush the side, back, chest, neck, belly, legs, tail, and ears. Pay close attention to the leg area, as matting is more common on legs. Follow up with the slicker brush. Use the fine-tooth comb on the facial area, making sure to comb away from the skin.

      Avoid plaque buildup that can lead to tooth loss by brushing your Bichon's teeth on a daily basis. Brushing every day with a dry brush will remove food particles and adding a little toothpaste to the brush two times a week will help prevent gingivitis. Start with the front teeth and work your way to the back. An important point to remember is that human toothpaste is poisonous to a dog, so always use dog toothpaste.

      Use a warm, moist cloth to wipe around the eye area and remove any eye discharge. Start at the corner of the eye and work outward toward the nose.

    Step 2: Monthly

    • Spreading monthly grooming tasks out over the course of the month is the best idea to keep sessions short and pleasant. Check your Bichon's ears and nails monthly, give him a bath and, if you feel comfortable doing so, a little trim around the feet and ears.

      Use a dry cotton ball to clean the opening of the ear canal. Do not go into the ear canal itself. If the ears are excessively dirty, putting a drop or two of baby oil on the cotton ball can help.

      Trim nails a little at a time to avoid cutting the "quick," or the blood vessel that runs through the middle of the nail. Before getting started, holding a flashlight up from the bottom of the nail will help you locate, and avoid the "quick." If any bleeding does occur, dip the nail in styptic powder or gel.

      Use warm water and a whitening shampoo to bathe your Bichon and rinse well to remove all traces of soap from his coat. Place cotton balls in his ears to avoid getting water in them and tilt his head up when wetting it to avoid getting water in his eyes. Dry your Bichon with a towel as best you can and finish using a hair dryer set on "low" to prevent the coat from drooping as it dries.

      If you feel comfortable using a scissors, trim the hair around the footpads, eye and ear area.


    • Life will be much easier if you make grooming sessions fun for your Bichon. Getting your dog used to grooming as part of his daily routine, making sure to include lots of praise and treats, will help make this enjoyable for you both.

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