Health & Medical Body building

7 Power Foods For Building Muscles

Nutrition is very important not only for the overall health of your body, but for losing weight and building muscles also.
A healthy diet is crucial when it comes to gaining some muscles.
Without eating the rights foods in the right quantities no matter how much you exercise you will not achieve that big and bulky look you have always wanted.
The best foods you need to consume are the ones that are high in protein, as these are the building blocks for muscle growth.
Let's have a look at the foods that offer the highest source of quality proteins: 1.
Chicken and turkey.
These lean meats should not be absent from a bodybuilder's meal as they are packed with proteins and are low in fats.
Coldwater fish such as tuna, salmon and sardines are not only rich in proteins but they also contain omega 3 fatty acids, which speed up muscle recovery and growth.
Red meat is an excellent source of proteins but due to the fact that it also contains saturated fat it is recommended not to eat beef daily.
As longs as you mostly eat turkey and fish you can incorporate 2 or 3 red meat meals a week 4.
An egg omelet is your best friend when it comes to building muscles as eggs are the most pure source of proteins.
Although there was a lot of controversy surround the egg yolk, according to new research the yolk is packed with vitamins and proteins and should also be consumed in moderate quantities.
Vegetables and beans are a high source of proteins and fiber.
Fiber helps your digestive system to function properly and it helps the body to maintain proper insulin levers.
A healthy digestive system will aid in the absorption and assimilation of vitamins and nutrients, which is required for muscle repairing and growth.
Dark beans contain the most proteins, and you should try and include these in your diet regularly.
Our body also needs carbohydrates in order to bold muscles.
But stay away from high processed and high glycemic carbs.
These will increase you insulin levels and as a results, your body stores fat and this is exactly what you do not want happening.
Instead choose carbs that have a low glycemic index.
Vegetables and fruits are excellent with providing your body the carbohydrates it needs.
Whey protein.
Nothing compares with a whey protein shake before and after your workouts.
Lean meats also contain proteins, but it takes the body a longer time to absorb proteins from a piece of meat then from a protein shake.
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