- The size of the tank that you will use will depend on the amount of space you have for the propane tank. Larger propane tanks do not need to be refilled as often. You must only fill the propane tank with 80 percent propane because the tank must have space for gas fumes to form, which is what burns in the propane system. The fumes travel through copper piping that must run underground to the home. The copper piping is buried about 2 feet deep so that activity on the ground does not damage the pipe, yet technicians can easily dig up the pipe and repair damage when it does occur. The propane tank must be 10 feet from the building.
- You get to decide if you want your propane tank to be above or below ground. For underground construction, cathode anodes protect the propane tank from corrosive elements in the soil. Above ground propane tanks are not as attractive but are more accessible.
- At some point, the pipe must travel out of the ground and into the home. Property owners should wrap the pipe in some type of hard protection, since the pipe is vulnerable as it travels from the ground to the home.
- Before running copper pipes through the home, consider which parts of your home you might someday want to run propane to. You might decide to add an appliance to a room later, so running pipes to that room during the initial installation will cost less and cause no future harm.
- The propane tank should be placed close enough to the road that technicians can get to the tank to refill or repair it during bad weather. The propane tank should not be so close that snow can cover up the tank and motorists can accidentally hit the tank, causing a rupture.
- You will have to follow regulations that vary from state to state. For example, since pipes leak propane fluid, the pipes have a maximum length requirement. Also, based on the length, the pipes must have a certain number of relief valves.
Propane Size
Above or Below Ground
Pipe Protection
Pipe Planning
Tank Distance