Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

What Wisconsin Can Learn From Movies About Home Security

Hollywood loves to create fictional crime movies, full of suspense, action, ingenuity, and technology. Viewers learn to love the thief in movies like Oceans 11, Entrapment, and The Italian Job. Movie stars like George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Sean Connery, Mark Wahlberg, and Charlize Theron make stealing look exciting and fun. Majority of the time, Hollywood tries to suppress their illegal activity by making them seem more like Robin Hood. They are stealing from the bad and more dangerous criminals. However, thievery and crime in the real world is no joke. If people in Wisconsin can learn one thing from watching Hollywood movies like these, its that everyone is susceptible to robbery. With the amount of crime in and out of Hollywood, home security is more important now than ever before.

Take The Italian Job for example, the main bad guy played by Edward Norton had all the latest regarding home security. He had alarms, videos, guards, dogs, safes, and motion detectors, yet the criminals were still able to penetrate his property. Of course this movie is complete fiction, but the message remains the same. No matter how well you think you protect your house, there is always a criminal that is capable of outsmarting it. However, most residents in Wisconsin are not hiding millions of dollars in their house. Majority of people do not even have one million dollars to begin with.

Needless to say, people need to be smart with regard to their home security. Be on the look out for suspicious behavior in your area. If someone seems like they are conning you or deceiving you, like Brad Pitt was so good at doing in Oceans 11, chances are you should trust your gut instinct. Try to get away from the situation as quickly as possible and immediately contact the authorities. Give them a detailed description of the potential perpetrator and hope that they will be able to catch them.

Regarding the actual security of your house, every home owner in Wisconsin should invest in a home alarm system. Not every criminal is as cunning and professional as Sean Connery in Entrapment. Chances are a simple home alarm is enough to deter any criminal away. If the thief continues to break into your house, the alarm will trigger and the local authorities will immediately be notified. In addition to an alarm, a video system will not only help in deterrence of criminal activity but also provide proof incase the case goes to court.

Hollywood movies are for entertainment. Flicks like the ones mentioned in these articles are fun movies full of adventure, humor, action, and suspense. They are movies based on criminal activity, and the criminals are the good guys. Unlike the real world, in these movies the thieves are portrayed as the heroes, stealing from the rich only to get what they believe belongs to them. However, in the real world, things are not as cut and dry. The criminals and thieves are the bad guys, and the victims are families and other hard working people in places like Wisconsin. Take a cue from Hollywood, and improve your home security system by installing video cameras.
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