2013 is being hailed as the year of the Mobile Revolution.
It's no surprise - mobile is huge and there are many facts and stats to support this.
In fact the growth of mobile and its impact on how we do business over the last two years is even greater than the rise of the internet at the beginning of the millennium.
People are using their phones to find local information# If you own a local business then you need to know that the majority of people are now using their mobile phones to search for local information: 'Hairdresser Dublin', 'Best Chinese Restaurant Dublin' etc.
In fact mobile is set to overtake desktop for locally relevant searches this year.
Mobile searchers are ready to take action People searching for information on a mobile phone are not just browsing or researching they are ready to buy.
They are looking to make a booking, searching for opening times so they can visit your location or to make a purchase straight away.
Without a mobile site - you lose, your competitors win Without a mobile website your business is losing out big time.
You have people nearby looking for a business like yours on their mobile device, they are ready to buy and yet if you don't have a mobile website you are losing out on these valuable customer.
Google research shows that up to 70% of mobile searches that land on a non-mobile friendly site will leave that site immediately.
40% of these will go to your competitors site.
And if you're wondering why your existing website won't do to serve your mobile customers then read on.
Firstly while your desktop site probably looks great it most likely does not display well on a mobile device.
- Desktop sites load much too slowly for mobile browsers so in the first instance you will probably lose a load of potential new customers as they abandon your site waiting for a page to load.
Desktop sites generally have a complicated grid like structure and navigation menus.
So if your site does load in time to keep the users attention it will require a load of pinching, swiping and zooming to find the necessary information.
This is time consuming and frustrating for mobile searches who are generally looking for specific information with as little effort as possible.
If the searcher does find what they are looking for it is generally not in a mobile friendly format.
If click to call or click to email is not enabled they need to write down or remember the relevant information as opposed to simply being able to tap a mobile friendly button.
Enquiry and booking forms on desktop site require too much text input and effort for mobile users.
Additionally if you have a mobile site and your main desktop site is set up to redirect to that m.
ie site when it detects a mobile browser if is more than likely to attract clicks than any http://www.
ie which display in the mobile search results.
Google is set to give mobile websites a further boost on mobile search results pages by displaying a smartphone icon beside the listing to indicate mobile friendly content.
It's no surprise - mobile is huge and there are many facts and stats to support this.
In fact the growth of mobile and its impact on how we do business over the last two years is even greater than the rise of the internet at the beginning of the millennium.
People are using their phones to find local information# If you own a local business then you need to know that the majority of people are now using their mobile phones to search for local information: 'Hairdresser Dublin', 'Best Chinese Restaurant Dublin' etc.
In fact mobile is set to overtake desktop for locally relevant searches this year.
Mobile searchers are ready to take action People searching for information on a mobile phone are not just browsing or researching they are ready to buy.
They are looking to make a booking, searching for opening times so they can visit your location or to make a purchase straight away.
Without a mobile site - you lose, your competitors win Without a mobile website your business is losing out big time.
You have people nearby looking for a business like yours on their mobile device, they are ready to buy and yet if you don't have a mobile website you are losing out on these valuable customer.
Google research shows that up to 70% of mobile searches that land on a non-mobile friendly site will leave that site immediately.
40% of these will go to your competitors site.
And if you're wondering why your existing website won't do to serve your mobile customers then read on.
Firstly while your desktop site probably looks great it most likely does not display well on a mobile device.
- Desktop sites load much too slowly for mobile browsers so in the first instance you will probably lose a load of potential new customers as they abandon your site waiting for a page to load.
Desktop sites generally have a complicated grid like structure and navigation menus.
So if your site does load in time to keep the users attention it will require a load of pinching, swiping and zooming to find the necessary information.
This is time consuming and frustrating for mobile searches who are generally looking for specific information with as little effort as possible.
If the searcher does find what they are looking for it is generally not in a mobile friendly format.
If click to call or click to email is not enabled they need to write down or remember the relevant information as opposed to simply being able to tap a mobile friendly button.
Enquiry and booking forms on desktop site require too much text input and effort for mobile users.
Additionally if you have a mobile site and your main desktop site is set up to redirect to that m.
ie site when it detects a mobile browser if is more than likely to attract clicks than any http://www.
ie which display in the mobile search results.
Google is set to give mobile websites a further boost on mobile search results pages by displaying a smartphone icon beside the listing to indicate mobile friendly content.