Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

How to Get Rid of Algae Farms on Swimming Pools

Summer seasons are fun especially when celebrated at the beach or in your own swimming-pool.
The heat of the sun can be quenched with some splashes of the crystal-clear water of the pool.
However, you're not the only one who is enjoying the pool water during the summer or when the weather is hot as an unwelcome boarder takes comfort in your pool.
Algae are known to thrive better when the sun is mostly high and mighty.
They are constantly present during the summer as they live much better when the temperature is warm which makes it best for them to propagate and build algae farms.
Most pool owners hire cleaners to get rid of these pests of the water, however getting rid of them is as easy as cleaning your kitchen sink.
Yes, you can do it on your own as it doesn't require skills and training to get the job done.
All you need to have are the right equipments and cleansing products to get rid of algae build ups on your pool.
Here are some of the materials that you'll need when cleaning your pool of algae farms: Pool Brush - this cleaning equipment is best in removing stains as well as algae on all areas of the pool.
Attached to a pole, anyone can easily manipulate and maneuver the brush all over the pool to scrub off the algae.
Do the brushing from the top pushing harder as you push the brush downwards to the bottom of the pool.
Pool Vacuum - this automatic cleaner cleans the job after you brush the algae off the wall and floor.
This is probably the most important cleaner aside from the pool brush.
Similar with the pool brush, a vacuum head is attached to the pool pole and is maneuvered on the algae debris.
Make sure that the vacuum hose is fitted well on the vacuum head and pool pump to get the optimum power.
Skimmer Net - scoop out floating algae or debris with the use of this special net used on swimming pools.
This can be handy when cleaning a pool of debris but it can also be used on large algae peel offs although algae are mostly broken down into pieces after vigorous scrubbing.
Chlorine - this chemical cleans and disinfected the pool water and leaves it free of algae for a while.
The more chlorine you put into the swimming pool water, the lower the chance of algae infestation.
Chlorine Shock - this breaks down algae farms and softens them for an easier brushing.
This product also clears the water turning cloudy water to crystal clear.
It also helps a lot in removing stubborn stains on the pool tile which is difficult to remove when brushing alone.
Maintain a regular checkup of the pool water to make sure that the water is not suitable for algae farms.
Regular brushing also helps in discouraging the formation of algae all over the pool area.
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