- 1). Prepare the parent plant by removing all soil, leaves and roots from the tuber.
- 2). Identify tuber "growth points.," or "eyes." Each of these "eyes" will become the shoot of new growth for the cloned plant.
- 3). Using a sharp knife, carefully cut the tuber into multiple parts, making sure each section contains at least one "eye." (Sterilize the knife in-between cuts by burning the blade with a lighter.) If the tuber has produced offsets (small fully developed bulbs), remove these and plant in the same fashion.
- 4). Dust the wound of each cut with rooting hormone/fungicide. (This will aid the growth of new roots and protect the wound from infection.)
- 5). Fill a pot or container 2/3 of the way with sterile potting soil. Place the tuberous divisions 4 inches apart, with the eye facing upward. Cover with 1/4 inch of the remaining potting soil.
- 6). Water the potting soil well. Place the container in indirect light (not in direct sun), in a spot where temperatures stay above 65 degrees F. Keep the soil evenly moist, not soggy. To increase humidity and overall chance of success, place a plastic bag over the pot, and secure with a rubber-band.
- 7). Move the container outside (where temperatures will not fall below 50 degrees F) or to a well-lit window n a few weeks when leaves emerge.
- 8). Keep new plants protected from direct mid-day sun, drying breezes and freezing temperatures. Once established (6 to 8 weeks), treat new plants as you would the parent plant.
Propagating Tuberous Begonias