We all have those days where you just don't feel like making it to the gym but you go anyway.
You go because you're hard core and you like the results you're seeing.
But you're just not 100% on certain days.
This morning was one of those times for me.
Even though I slept well that night and my food intake was on key the previous day, and even though I took my pre workout drink and started out strong, after my first exercise was done I felt like I was done.
Much of the time there's a rhyme or reason for feeling a little sluggish.
In some cases it's diet, whether its lack of nutrients or calories.
This happens especially if you're dropping your calories to lose weight.
Lack of quality sleep can certainly impact energy levels.
So can overtraining.
There are other reasons too, but sometimes you just need a break but don't want to miss that scheduled workout for that particular body part and don't want to throw your weekly routine out of whack.
On these days, it's good to implement a quick workout.
When you hear shorter workout you may have the tendency to think it's going to be an easy day.
That's not the case.
In fact, we're going to make this a very intense session.
But you're energy is low, so how can it be intense? This is one of those times where you have to tap into every ounce of mental energy you have.
The way I see it is if you can get up enough vigor to make it to the gym in the first place, then you have enough to go all out for 20 minutes or so.
I'll use this mornings' shoulders and traps workout as an example.
After my first exercise I was ready to go back home, but I made an instant change of plans to my usual routine.
I chose a minimal amount of exercises, almost half of what I normally do, and made the decision to hit those few exercises hard and all-out.
So instead of the normal 4-5 exercises for shoulders and at least 2 for traps, I did the below routine hitting each set until failure.
Seated Barbell Press - 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 6 reps Lateral Raises - 3 sets of 12 reps Dumbbell Shrugs - 4 sets of 12, 12, 10, 10 reps Reverse Cables for Rear Delts - 3 sets of 12 reps This workout took me about 25 minutes but I felt pumped afterwards.
Though my energy was low, I still went relatively heavy and pushed through the pain.
To recap, on those days you're not feeling up to par but don't want to miss a workout, just pick a couple exercises for whatever body parts you're working that day and hit them hard.
Then go home, drink a protein shake and rest up for the next one.
You go because you're hard core and you like the results you're seeing.
But you're just not 100% on certain days.
This morning was one of those times for me.
Even though I slept well that night and my food intake was on key the previous day, and even though I took my pre workout drink and started out strong, after my first exercise was done I felt like I was done.
Much of the time there's a rhyme or reason for feeling a little sluggish.
In some cases it's diet, whether its lack of nutrients or calories.
This happens especially if you're dropping your calories to lose weight.
Lack of quality sleep can certainly impact energy levels.
So can overtraining.
There are other reasons too, but sometimes you just need a break but don't want to miss that scheduled workout for that particular body part and don't want to throw your weekly routine out of whack.
On these days, it's good to implement a quick workout.
When you hear shorter workout you may have the tendency to think it's going to be an easy day.
That's not the case.
In fact, we're going to make this a very intense session.
But you're energy is low, so how can it be intense? This is one of those times where you have to tap into every ounce of mental energy you have.
The way I see it is if you can get up enough vigor to make it to the gym in the first place, then you have enough to go all out for 20 minutes or so.
I'll use this mornings' shoulders and traps workout as an example.
After my first exercise I was ready to go back home, but I made an instant change of plans to my usual routine.
I chose a minimal amount of exercises, almost half of what I normally do, and made the decision to hit those few exercises hard and all-out.
So instead of the normal 4-5 exercises for shoulders and at least 2 for traps, I did the below routine hitting each set until failure.
Seated Barbell Press - 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 6 reps Lateral Raises - 3 sets of 12 reps Dumbbell Shrugs - 4 sets of 12, 12, 10, 10 reps Reverse Cables for Rear Delts - 3 sets of 12 reps This workout took me about 25 minutes but I felt pumped afterwards.
Though my energy was low, I still went relatively heavy and pushed through the pain.
To recap, on those days you're not feeling up to par but don't want to miss a workout, just pick a couple exercises for whatever body parts you're working that day and hit them hard.
Then go home, drink a protein shake and rest up for the next one.