- 1). Move the "Hold" switch at the top of your iPod to the "Off" position. If your iPod is completely unresponsive, it may simply be in a locked state. Look at the switch and ensure that it does not appear on the side where the word "Hold" appears but is on the other side, where no words appear.
- 2). Raise your volume limit if your problem relates to a lack of sound. While changing the volume is as simple as sliding your finger along the click wheel, some users do not realize that fifth-generation iPods contain a separate "Volume Limit" indicator. Click your "Menu" button repeatedly until reaching the main menu, select "Settings" and then "Volume Limit." Slide your finger clockwise along the wheel if your volume limit appears near zero.
- 3). Check your remaining capacity. If iTunes will not allow you to add songs, videos or other media, your iPod may be full. Return to your iPod's main menu, click "Settings" and then "About." If your meter indicates that you have nearly 30gb of content currently stored on your iPod, you must delete some of your current content before you can add new content.
- 4). Restart your iPod. Hold down the center button and the "Menu" button until the Apple icon appears on your screen, making sure that the "Hold" switch remains in the "Off" position. Restarting can remedy many basic functionality problems on an iPod.
- 5). Connect your iPod USB cable to an alternate USB port on your computer if you cannot achieve a connection to your PC. Some USB ports cannot achieve the necessary power to transmit signals from an iPod, but you can remedy this problem by disconnecting the cable from its current USB port and moving it to the next USB port.
- 6). Restore your iPod. If your 30gb iPod continues to fail after you have exhausted all other troubleshooting techniques, try restoring the device to its factory settings. Connect it to your computer through the USB port, click the "iPod" heading in iTunes (from the left column) and click the "Restore" button.