- 1). Lay sticky traps in corners and on the floor of areas where you've seen the intruders. Spiders often climb in corners to breed and spin their webs. They will likely step on the trap when attempting to climb up into the corner and become stuck. Bugs will also become trapped when scurrying across the floor. Throw the traps away when they are full and lay others in their place. Keep the traps down until they stop collecting the pests.
- 2). Vacuum or sweep up the spiders and insects. Use the hose attachment on the vacuum to collect any pests you see. Empty the bag or container outdoors. You can also use your broom to sweep up masses of bugs, such as ladybug infestations. Collect them into the dust pan and relocate the intruders outdoors. Remove any spider webs you see with the vacuum or broom as well.
- 3). Trap the bugs yourself, if you know they aren't poisonous. Stick a cup over the bug or spider and slide a piece of paper underneath. Release the bug outdoors. You can also use a fly swatter or piece of rolled-up newspaper to crush the bug.
- 4). Seal any unwanted entryways into your home. For instance, use caulk or similar material to fill in any gaps, holes, or cracks around your windows or doors that allow bugs to come inside. Unless you address the conditions on the outside of your house, the bugs will keep coming inside.