Most people are qualified for a job but don't get through the job interview process very well.
Why is that?When we meet the girl or boy of our dreams we get all tongue tied and wonder if an alien has taken over our bodies.
Then they walk away and we are left wondering what happened, hoping desperately for another chance to really be ourselves.
This happens when we meet the employer of our dreams as well.
We don't shine as the person we are.
Instead, we get very nervous and stuff comes out of our mouth that was totally unintended.
Inside, we know the answers to all the interview questions and we probably understand the company products backwards and forwards.
We just can't seem to get that through to the interviewer.
What is the answer? Yoga can be used to prepare for any event.
The word Yoga means joining.
We are joining together the different parts of a human being which are the body, mind and spirit.
An integrated human being is then able to perform better in society.
Your meetings with others will be more productive and true to your own personality.
If you practice yoga, then your interactions with people in any situation will be better.
The next time you meet someone you like, they might return the attraction because you are more productive in your interaction.
In an interview, we are more focussed on "getting the job" than the actual interview process.
One thing to remember is that we are interviewing the job as well.
An interview is a two way street.
Both sides need to like each other and want to work towards a common goal with a similar mindset.
These factors are really important.
Yoga is not about postures.
It is about breathing.
Any process that leads you to breathe better accomplishes yoga.
That is the secret.
You can learn to do basic breathing exercises to centre yourself before an important meeting.
Own yourself.
That is the question.
The mistake many people make is that they think the interview process is almost like a stage for selling slaves.
They will say and do anything to "get" the job.
You really need to think about your life and what you are really fit for will come to you.
It will be a piece of cake.
Honestly try and practice simple deep breathing for a few minutes each day.
Find out what you are really about.
What do you really want to do?Is this company really about the same thing as you?Or is their mission statement way out of your line of thinking.
These are important questions and you would need to answer them before accepting an interview appointment.
While in the interview, let them see your honest self.
In fact, they may think you are fit for some other place in their company than the job that you are interviewing for.
Miracles always happen when one practices yoga sincerely.
Why is that?When we meet the girl or boy of our dreams we get all tongue tied and wonder if an alien has taken over our bodies.
Then they walk away and we are left wondering what happened, hoping desperately for another chance to really be ourselves.
This happens when we meet the employer of our dreams as well.
We don't shine as the person we are.
Instead, we get very nervous and stuff comes out of our mouth that was totally unintended.
Inside, we know the answers to all the interview questions and we probably understand the company products backwards and forwards.
We just can't seem to get that through to the interviewer.
What is the answer? Yoga can be used to prepare for any event.
The word Yoga means joining.
We are joining together the different parts of a human being which are the body, mind and spirit.
An integrated human being is then able to perform better in society.
Your meetings with others will be more productive and true to your own personality.
If you practice yoga, then your interactions with people in any situation will be better.
The next time you meet someone you like, they might return the attraction because you are more productive in your interaction.
In an interview, we are more focussed on "getting the job" than the actual interview process.
One thing to remember is that we are interviewing the job as well.
An interview is a two way street.
Both sides need to like each other and want to work towards a common goal with a similar mindset.
These factors are really important.
Yoga is not about postures.
It is about breathing.
Any process that leads you to breathe better accomplishes yoga.
That is the secret.
You can learn to do basic breathing exercises to centre yourself before an important meeting.
Own yourself.
That is the question.
The mistake many people make is that they think the interview process is almost like a stage for selling slaves.
They will say and do anything to "get" the job.
You really need to think about your life and what you are really fit for will come to you.
It will be a piece of cake.
Honestly try and practice simple deep breathing for a few minutes each day.
Find out what you are really about.
What do you really want to do?Is this company really about the same thing as you?Or is their mission statement way out of your line of thinking.
These are important questions and you would need to answer them before accepting an interview appointment.
While in the interview, let them see your honest self.
In fact, they may think you are fit for some other place in their company than the job that you are interviewing for.
Miracles always happen when one practices yoga sincerely.