There are thousands of viewers who go through the blog sites every day true.
But as bloggers those who wish to attract viewer ship to their blog have to make sure they are able to compete with hundreds out there and employ smart tactics to gain viewer ship and retain the same.
Therefore generally you will see bloggers keeping their first article rather short and crisp.
The articles do not go beyond 400 words and are able to easily engage the readers through the same.
By trying to keep the articles short, the blog writers do not get sufficient space to be able to enumerate in depth the points that they wish to make with reference to the subject.
At best they can just cover some of the points superficially and leave it at that.
Blog writers generally tend to stick to one kind of topic or field and specialize in the chosen field.
This helps them build a good viewer ship that shares the specific interest.
People will keep coming back to the website to know what is happening and for latest information.
But for those who are interested in a particular field, they might not find depth of information or discussion and it can get frustrating to read only superficial information all the time.
In a big to attract more and more traffic to the site, bloggers have begun writing articles with keywords to match or suit SEO optimization.
This being the main aim behind the articles written, the content and the substance is missing from the article and the bad quality is beginning to show up.
This seems to be the trend with everyone now days and everybody is jumping into the bandwagon of SEO optimization.
Comparing blogs to the real books you will find that you prefer real books any day.
Perhaps it is preferred by the writer as well.
The writer has full freedom and no embargo like he has on the blogs with commercial aspects or keyword density.
He can express his ideas and put forward his concepts in depth and elaborate on the topic by making it interesting and informative.
Such writing engages the readership who likes to read about the subject in depth and appreciate it.
People who love books can never be weaned away from them.
Books weave their own magic on the reader and transport them into another world.
Nothing can beat the simplicity and magic of the books for all times to come.
Books are your personal treasure.
You can take them wherever you go, read them where ever and whatever time you find.
They are your constant companions and can be read and re read at all times over years.
Though we see more and more people chatting and browsing the internet, we cannot deny that we always prefer holding a book in hand and enjoying the peace while reading the books.
Reading is something we can do continuously but not browsing on the internet.
But as bloggers those who wish to attract viewer ship to their blog have to make sure they are able to compete with hundreds out there and employ smart tactics to gain viewer ship and retain the same.
Therefore generally you will see bloggers keeping their first article rather short and crisp.
The articles do not go beyond 400 words and are able to easily engage the readers through the same.
By trying to keep the articles short, the blog writers do not get sufficient space to be able to enumerate in depth the points that they wish to make with reference to the subject.
At best they can just cover some of the points superficially and leave it at that.
Blog writers generally tend to stick to one kind of topic or field and specialize in the chosen field.
This helps them build a good viewer ship that shares the specific interest.
People will keep coming back to the website to know what is happening and for latest information.
But for those who are interested in a particular field, they might not find depth of information or discussion and it can get frustrating to read only superficial information all the time.
In a big to attract more and more traffic to the site, bloggers have begun writing articles with keywords to match or suit SEO optimization.
This being the main aim behind the articles written, the content and the substance is missing from the article and the bad quality is beginning to show up.
This seems to be the trend with everyone now days and everybody is jumping into the bandwagon of SEO optimization.
Comparing blogs to the real books you will find that you prefer real books any day.
Perhaps it is preferred by the writer as well.
The writer has full freedom and no embargo like he has on the blogs with commercial aspects or keyword density.
He can express his ideas and put forward his concepts in depth and elaborate on the topic by making it interesting and informative.
Such writing engages the readership who likes to read about the subject in depth and appreciate it.
People who love books can never be weaned away from them.
Books weave their own magic on the reader and transport them into another world.
Nothing can beat the simplicity and magic of the books for all times to come.
Books are your personal treasure.
You can take them wherever you go, read them where ever and whatever time you find.
They are your constant companions and can be read and re read at all times over years.
Though we see more and more people chatting and browsing the internet, we cannot deny that we always prefer holding a book in hand and enjoying the peace while reading the books.
Reading is something we can do continuously but not browsing on the internet.