- 1). Place the cake on a plate. Sprinkle the work surface with powdered sugar, and roll out 2/3 of the red sugar paste until it is large enough to completely cover the cake.
Heat a little apricot jam, and brush it over the the top and sides of the cake.
Roll the sugar paste onto the rolling pin and carefully roll it over the cake, smoothing it down with your fingers to remove any air bubbles. Trim the edges flush with the plate. - 2). Roll out all the white sugar paste, and cut out two 1 inch circles. Position these halfway down the cake to make eyes. Stick them into place with a little jam.
Roll out the remaining red sugar paste until it is the same diameter as the cake. Cut it into a rough triangle shape to make a hat. Brush the top half of the cake with jam, then roll the sugar paste onto the rolling pin, and un-roll it onto the top half of the cake. The base of the triangle should just touch the top of the eyes, and the point should hang over the top of the cake. Trim off any excess, and fold the point of the triangle over. - 3). Brush the bottom half of the cake with jam, and cut out a large triangle of white sugar paste for the beard. Make cuts along two sides of the triangle, and place onto the cake below the eyes. Arrange the edges of the beard so that they look more textured.
Cut a 1 inch circle of white sugar paste and snip all the way around it with scissors. Use jam to stick this onto the point of the hat to make a pom-pom.
Use the remaining white sugar paste to make a mustache and to trim the edge of the hat. - 4). Use the black sugar paste to make pupils for the eyes. Add little flecks of black to the hat trim to represent fur. Stick two circles of pink sugar paste to the face to make rosy cheeks.
When finished, leave the cake in a cool place for a couple of hours to let the icing harden. Slide the fish slice under the cake and transfer it to the cake board.