- 1). Shower in warm water and wash your body using a light exfoliant. Ladies, shave your legs to remove unwanted hair before you tan.
- 2). Step out of the shower and pat your skin dry. Apply SPF 15 sunscreen to your body.
- 3). Pull back your hair and apply a sunscreen of at least SPF 30 to your face.
- 4). Put on your bathing suit and select a towel. You will also need a timer and sunglasses. Find a sunny spot in your yard where you can lay down in private.
- 5). Spread out your towel and set your timer for 15 minutes. Put on your sunglasses and lie face up on the towel. After 15 minutes, turn over on your stomach. Set the timer for another 15 minutes. When the timer rings the second time, get out of the sun.
- 6). Repeat this process for three to four days to get a light base tan.
- 1). Visit the beauty supply shop and look for a spray tan. Spray tans come in aerosol cans or with small spray canisters you use in a tanning spray gun.
- 2). Purchase a light tan color to use.
- 3). Return home and take a shower, exfoliating your body and shaving your legs. Men may want to skip the shaving.
- 4). Pat your skin dry with a towel. No water should remain behind. Pull your hair up in a towel to protect it. Remove any jewelry you may still be wearing.
- 5). Spray your body lightly with the spray tan starting at the lower legs and working upward. Do not spray your face and neck. Rinse your hands and in between your toes. Allow the tan to dry for 15 minutes before you get dressed.
Tanning by the Sun
Spray Tanning