- Olives can grow with very little water and with little soil acidity.olive image by Roques Jean Chris from Fotolia.com
Alkalinity and acidity are the extremes of the pH scale. Plants generally prefer soils that are slightly acidic or slightly alkaline -- usually with a pH range of 6 to 7. Some plant varieties thrive in higher alkaline soils, above 7, and some plants thrive in soils as high as 8. Plants that prefer alkaline soils are best planted in the fall, according to Montana State University. Plants that have died should not be dug up because the roots will hold nutrients and provide fertilization for the new plants. - Acacia come from subtropical regions where the soil is dry and very alkaline, which is common in dry areas. Therefore, these plants have adapted to an alkaline environment.
- Cabbages are not only tolerant of very high alkaline soils but they are able to lower the pH of the soil so that they can take up the nutrients in the soil, according to Plantea. Therefore, they can be planted instead of lowering the soil pH with compost.
- Cauliflower is highly alkaline and is a major component of the alkaline diet. The alkaline diet is an alternative health diet that attempts to improve the dieter's health by balancing the body's internal pH.
- Celery prefers temperatures that are cool and moist but tolerates hot and dry climates in very alkaline soils, according to Plantea.
- Date palms are very versatile plants that can survive in many environments, according to Naturland. While they do not prefer it, date palms can handle soil that has an alkalinity as high as pH 8. The soil must also have very good drainage and have groundwater that travels very deep, since the date palms like to establish their roots very deep.
- Geraniums are somewhat like cabbages. They make alkaline soils more acidic, according to Patent Storm. Their biomass produces an essential oil that is very strongly acidic. Researchers believe that this oil can be a significant tool in restoring the acidity of soils that have become too alkaline. This oil is also used in perfume because of its pleasant fragrance.
- The oleander, olive and the pomegranate are three plants that come from the Mediterranean and are happy to establish their roots in alkaline soils, according to Sunset. These Mediterranean plants do not need compost and they do not need to be watered very frequently because they are drought resistant.
Date Palms
Mediterranean Plants