TELLING STORIES- Don't just stick a bunch of links or photos on your blog.
People love to have a story read or told to them.
Think back to when you were a child.
There was nothing better than to have a bed time story read to you.
It's still the same thing.
Adults love to hear a good story.
It takes their mind off of there own life or problems.
Unless you are some big shot reporter, people wont keep coming back to hear what you have to say.
Make stories compelling, and, most of all, easy to relate to.
CREATE A VOICE FOR YOURSELF- This has everything to do with Branding (which by the way is a huge topic within itself).
Find your voice and brand it, whether it's through writing about one particular topic within your expertise such as (travel, dog walking, cooking, etc..
) or about several different related topics.
People are more likely to remember your blog if it offers something unique.
MAKE IT EASY TO READ- That means keeping your visual aesthetics simple.
Using bold.
oritalicized words help draw the eye to a particular point that you want to make.
Just don't use bold or italics excessively.
You will lose your effect and momentum.
Keep your sentences short and concise.
Use two spaces between sentences.
Nothing is harder on the eyes than excessive writing in bold letters, and run on sentences.
OUCH! 4.
GIVE YOUR BLOG A PERSONAL TOUCH- It is a lot easier to connect with people on an emotional level if you show a personal side to your writing, rather than some mechanical automated web page.
Remember story telling? Let visitors know what's up with you, and how it relates to your topic of conversation.
Emotions sell! 5.
PRETEND THAT YOU ARE WRITING AN EMAIL, OR LETTER TO A FRIEND- Forget that you are writing an article.
Think about when you are writing to your friend by email, or a snail mail letter, and you have some cool information to tell them.
Do you address the letter formally as you would a future contact at a large organization, or is the email a lot cozier? Keep it light and watch your viewership rise.
PROVIDE ENOUGH INFORMATION- The number one thing that your visitors are looking for is information.
Don't let them down.
Keep the information simple, and restrict it to the topic that you have chosen for your headline.
See # 7.
INCLUDE A HEADLINE- Headlines SELL, and it is the #1 way to capture your audience, to continue reading your blog.
Spending a lot of time on your headline will pay you back in spades.
You can start by checking out top magazines, and newspapers.
Save the front page of these publications and put them into a file for further use when you are ready to write your headline.
Use these headlines, but change it a little to match your article.
GIVE STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS- Does your expertise lend itself to teaching your visitors about a certain subject (How to do "anything")? People love instructions.
This will let your visitors know that you are the expertise in your topic, and hopefully they will want to learn more through education.
Educate them, and prosper.
REVIEW A PRODUCT OR SERVICE- Don't really have anything to sell? No problem.
Write about someone else's product or service, and collect an affiliate income.
Write with passion and consistency.
People are only going to read if you are passionate about it.
Affiliate income is big business, and blogging for income is a great way to make it happen.
EDUCATE YOURSELF- Thats Right! If you want to learn "How to Make Money on Your Blog", continue reading, researching, learning, educate yourself.
It is the only way to make things happen.
Knowledge is irreplaceable.
Once you have it, nothing can stop you.
Join groups, read other blogs, pay for lessons.
Do what you have to do to make it happen.
This Is Absolutely The Easiest Way For You To Have A Future Free Of All Money Worries.
TELLING STORIES- Don't just stick a bunch of links or photos on your blog.
People love to have a story read or told to them.
Think back to when you were a child.
There was nothing better than to have a bed time story read to you.
It's still the same thing.
Adults love to hear a good story.
It takes their mind off of there own life or problems.
Unless you are some big shot reporter, people wont keep coming back to hear what you have to say.
Make stories compelling, and, most of all, easy to relate to.
CREATE A VOICE FOR YOURSELF- This has everything to do with Branding (which by the way is a huge topic within itself).
Find your voice and brand it, whether it's through writing about one particular topic within your expertise such as (travel, dog walking, cooking, etc..
) or about several different related topics.
People are more likely to remember your blog if it offers something unique.
MAKE IT EASY TO READ- That means keeping your visual aesthetics simple.
Using bold.
oritalicized words help draw the eye to a particular point that you want to make.
Just don't use bold or italics excessively.
You will lose your effect and momentum.
Keep your sentences short and concise.
Use two spaces between sentences.
Nothing is harder on the eyes than excessive writing in bold letters, and run on sentences.
OUCH! 4.
GIVE YOUR BLOG A PERSONAL TOUCH- It is a lot easier to connect with people on an emotional level if you show a personal side to your writing, rather than some mechanical automated web page.
Remember story telling? Let visitors know what's up with you, and how it relates to your topic of conversation.
Emotions sell! 5.
PRETEND THAT YOU ARE WRITING AN EMAIL, OR LETTER TO A FRIEND- Forget that you are writing an article.
Think about when you are writing to your friend by email, or a snail mail letter, and you have some cool information to tell them.
Do you address the letter formally as you would a future contact at a large organization, or is the email a lot cozier? Keep it light and watch your viewership rise.
PROVIDE ENOUGH INFORMATION- The number one thing that your visitors are looking for is information.
Don't let them down.
Keep the information simple, and restrict it to the topic that you have chosen for your headline.
See # 7.
INCLUDE A HEADLINE- Headlines SELL, and it is the #1 way to capture your audience, to continue reading your blog.
Spending a lot of time on your headline will pay you back in spades.
You can start by checking out top magazines, and newspapers.
Save the front page of these publications and put them into a file for further use when you are ready to write your headline.
Use these headlines, but change it a little to match your article.
GIVE STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS- Does your expertise lend itself to teaching your visitors about a certain subject (How to do "anything")? People love instructions.
This will let your visitors know that you are the expertise in your topic, and hopefully they will want to learn more through education.
Educate them, and prosper.
REVIEW A PRODUCT OR SERVICE- Don't really have anything to sell? No problem.
Write about someone else's product or service, and collect an affiliate income.
Write with passion and consistency.
People are only going to read if you are passionate about it.
Affiliate income is big business, and blogging for income is a great way to make it happen.
EDUCATE YOURSELF- Thats Right! If you want to learn "How to Make Money on Your Blog", continue reading, researching, learning, educate yourself.
It is the only way to make things happen.
Knowledge is irreplaceable.
Once you have it, nothing can stop you.
Join groups, read other blogs, pay for lessons.
Do what you have to do to make it happen.
This Is Absolutely The Easiest Way For You To Have A Future Free Of All Money Worries.