Social Marketing is no longer a fad.
In fact many now believe it is the greatest marketing opportunity of our lifetime.
Yet so many do not take advantage of Social Marketing because they either believe or have heard it will take up all your time.
And if you do not know how to effectively maximize its use, the reality is it can.
The good news is that this does not have to happen to you.
The great discovery we have made is the power of "Auto-Integration.
" So what it Auto-Integration? It's the combination of Automation and Integration, that allows you to have greater reach, in less time, for more profits.
Examples of Auto-Integration For example, did you know that you can set up your Social Marketing so that when you have a new article published on EzineArticles, you can set it up so that an announcement is automatically sent from EzineArticles, and then go from Twitter to Facebook and LinkedIn.
Another example is when you set it up correctly, when you have a new video published on YouTube, an announcement can go to Twitter and Facebook.
Greater Reach When you are automatically spreading your message across several platforms, you are reaching many more people with just a few action, thereby allowing you to enjoy a greater reach.
The greater your reach, the more people you are able to influence.
In Less Time The fear that Social Marketing can take up all your time does have a basis in reality.
If you try to put new messages on each of the major platforms each day, or even several times day, you could spend hours doing your marketing.
When you integrate the different tools, you are able to take one action on one platform and have it show up on many other platforms.
This saves you an enormous amount of time and energy.
For More Profits Contrary to popular belief, you can make lots of money directly from Social Marketing.
You can do this by directly making offer on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, and by using these platforms to send prospects to your major profit centers.
And now, with the power of AI - Auto-Integration, with your greater reach in less time, you are reaching many more prospects with your message and converting them into customers with your Social Marketing.
In fact many now believe it is the greatest marketing opportunity of our lifetime.
Yet so many do not take advantage of Social Marketing because they either believe or have heard it will take up all your time.
And if you do not know how to effectively maximize its use, the reality is it can.
The good news is that this does not have to happen to you.
The great discovery we have made is the power of "Auto-Integration.
" So what it Auto-Integration? It's the combination of Automation and Integration, that allows you to have greater reach, in less time, for more profits.
Examples of Auto-Integration For example, did you know that you can set up your Social Marketing so that when you have a new article published on EzineArticles, you can set it up so that an announcement is automatically sent from EzineArticles, and then go from Twitter to Facebook and LinkedIn.
Another example is when you set it up correctly, when you have a new video published on YouTube, an announcement can go to Twitter and Facebook.
One action brings you multiple results.Now onto the promise I made earlier of greater reach, in less time, for more profits.
Greater Reach When you are automatically spreading your message across several platforms, you are reaching many more people with just a few action, thereby allowing you to enjoy a greater reach.
The greater your reach, the more people you are able to influence.
In Less Time The fear that Social Marketing can take up all your time does have a basis in reality.
If you try to put new messages on each of the major platforms each day, or even several times day, you could spend hours doing your marketing.
When you integrate the different tools, you are able to take one action on one platform and have it show up on many other platforms.
This saves you an enormous amount of time and energy.
For More Profits Contrary to popular belief, you can make lots of money directly from Social Marketing.
You can do this by directly making offer on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, and by using these platforms to send prospects to your major profit centers.
And now, with the power of AI - Auto-Integration, with your greater reach in less time, you are reaching many more prospects with your message and converting them into customers with your Social Marketing.