Business & Finance Corporations

I Started to Work at Home Without Any Online Experience

When I first started to work at home I had no background in online marketing at all.
I was good at playing video games and that was the extent of my Computer and Online Expertise.
I was compelled to work at home when one of my friends started making over $30.
000 a month with internet marketing.
Had I paid more attention to what he was doing my new online endeavors would have been so much easier.
Being left to my own devises I managed to find and fall for every scam on the net.
I spent over a year losing money online.
Work at home, I laugh, more like jerk at home.
Because of my compulsive behavior and stubborn personality I pressed on.
While continuing to lose money and wasting allot of time I started to get a little frustrated.
I was learning this work at home thing the hard way and could not afford to keep it up for very long.
The first work at home business I started was from a big fat scam.
Welcome to internet marketing I thought.
This was my great introduction to Affiliate Marketing.
Well at least now I knew what Affiliate Marketing was.
I then proceeded signing up to yet another loser.
Finally I did a Google search on Affiliate Marketing and saw that there were many affiliate programs.
After picking an offer to promote, starting a website, and advertising my first product, It did not take long to see that I was spending more than I was making.
Since I did have money coming back to me I thought, this was the start of success.
Money really could come from the internet.
I then figured in order to work at home and succeed, I needed to pay less for traffic.
I stumbled upon Traffic Exchanges.
These are traffic generation websites where you click on other ads in exchange for views to yours.
Quickly realizing that since the people that sign up to TE's (traffic exchanges) are trying to promote their own products, it was unlikely that I would do well promoting products to them unless my offers were some kind or business aid or promotional tools that they could use.
While surfing the TE's I found out about the full use of Autoresponders and the purpose of building a mailing list.
I chose to go with an Autoresponder that has a great reputation for service and dependability.
After using this type of service, I found it was one of my better choices.
One of the biggest problems that I can see for anyone starting to work at home is knowing who to trust.
Especially if they have little to no background on internet marketing.
This lack of knowledge made me the perfect sucker.
I really did learn the hard way.
In the end, this has been very rewarding for me, comforted by the fact that I did all this pretty much on my own.
Of course I learned everything online as I went from reading articles like these and other resources.
It was like trying to put together a giant puzzle mixed together with 10 others.
It was an un daunting challenge! If I had to do it all over again I would concentrate more on learning the ropes first before trying to make any money online.
Well at least all this is behind me and I now successfully work at home.
I still learn new techniques all the time.
I read articles, blogs, newsletters and am now currently looking into joining forums related to internet marketing.
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