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I Cannot Hear Another Refugee Story Today

I cannot hear another Refugee story today.
My heart is filled with so much emotion for the suffering children of Africa and the world's poor and displaced.
So we too, have become another voice for calling action to solutions.
If you are a super hero, no matter your race or religion you will answer this call to alleviate poverty.
You will be an active participant in tangible solutions to eradicate poverty and disease.
You will assist in the protection of the poor and innocent people of the earth who have become victims of persecution, torture, pain and even death.
Those scattered from their homes are often left traumatized and may live the rest of their life hungry, hopeless, 'stressed' and with insecurity.
But here comes another Refugee story, whispering in my mind.
I have heard thousands of women tell me the same story.
Yet today, another young African 'girl-child' tells me again: ..
I am hiding in a room under the bed in my village in Africa, I see the rebels beating and raping my sister, my father already had been killed- I believe they killed my mother too, I heard my mother screaming when some rebels dragged her away from our home.
My brother quietly tips to the window, and climbs out.
Good, he went unnoticed by the rebel soldiers, here's my chance, I will follow him, I jumped to the ground and ran with all my might, I did not see my brother, so I ran to save my own life! Suddenly I am 'slapped' to the ground by men dressed like soldiers.
I am beaten, raped, blind-folded and taken to some army camp in the bush in Africa.
I am now officially a 'slave wife'.
I cook, clean and satisfy the 'lusts' of many rebel soldiers daily, one miserable day just slips into another, Iam confused, I think I have been a slave wife for years.
I can't stand this life anymore I am so hated by these abusive rebel husbands'.
They feed and shelter me, but I am under constant surveillance.
I undergo daily physical and verbal abuse.
They curse me and call me 'ugly' and all other sorts of degrading names.
I do not understand because I am still passed around nightly for sex, does anyone even care about me.
I am at their liberty, I do what they want or get beaten or maybe even killed: I am their daily affair.
Finally, after so many miscarriages from constant physical abuse I find myself seven months into a pregnancy.
I do not know which one of the rebel's is the father.
One day, my belly now very big, I hear shooting's in the camp.
I hear there is an invasion of enemy soldiers.
I decide to run.
Maybe I will be lost in the confusion and rescued.
I am desperate for freedom from this horrid life.
My belly is big, my movements are slow and they catch me.
I am caught and beaten at the hands of the rebels once more.
This time they stomp me with their feet and beat me in my face with open hands and even punch me with their fist.
I cannot take this torture, how can they treat me like an animal? They must not be human, I think.
Finally, they slash off the left nipple of my breast with a machete.
I am bleeding, I think I am bleeding to death: (I remember seeing her deformed breast later, both twins fighting to feed on her right breast) I am left to die in a puddle of my own blood..
my baby still moving in my womb...
I wake up in the army hospital; I heard some women saved me.
I am in the rebel camp hospital, I am so battered I stay for some weeks almost until my baby is due.
Even in the hospital I am subject to rape at night.
I remembered being raped until the day my twins were born...
I am sure they really hate me! Since the twins birth they are feeding them blood to make them soldiers, they say..
This is it, I have to escape somehow with the babies; I will go anywhere, I never-never return to my country again.
I am afraid for my life the rebels know me and they know where my family once lived.
They killed my father and mother anyway, I have no place to return too.
My family is all gone now.
Certainly, they will kill me too.
I am afraid, I feel insecure because there is no peace in my own country.
If I can live in a secure place and feed my children, I will be OK...
Again I am too sad to hear this story, the especially violent crimes against women and girls.
This young woman and her children are prime candidates for the supporting environment of the Global Peace Camps! The Global PC's are both temporary and permanent homesteads within peaceful African countries that provide security, health, education, and welfare to its inhabitants.
The community housing setting will have the resources to assist families to self-actualize, develop their talents and be productive as well.
It is planned that each homestead will become a fully functional and sustainable community within a year.
In sum, Americans, Australians, Europeans, Norwegians and Canadians as governments have all been generous in Resettlement of Refugees, but you too as a private individual can play your part to assist those who indirectly may suffer for something you may enjoy! Each time you use a computer, remember that a valuable mineral resource may have been used in a computer part; this mineral may come from a DEVELOPING COUNTRY in Africa! Be generous to Africans too! Help alleviate their poverty and suffering.
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