Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

What Are Body Pillows for Pregnant Women?

Body pillows for pregnant women allow you to get much needed rest and these pillows are perfect towards the end of your pregnancy when you are dealing with a big belly in front of you.
Carrying that extra weight can put a lot of strain on your back and for those who are small to begin with they may feel it even more.
Sleeping during pregnancy is very important and with a body pillow it can be easier.
They can help you relieve back pain or pain in the legs.
Some women experience severe edema and placing a pillow between the knees may help a bit.
It's recommended that pregnant women sleep on their left side as this can allow blood flow and oxygen to get to the baby easier.
Body pillows for pregnant women can make this easier and more comfortable.
You can get that much needed and wanted rest finally.
There are many different shapes and styles to body pillows or you can simply use ordinary pillows from your bed.
You may just need to buy a few extra.
There are many positions that you can sleep in with a body pillow.
You should however remember that you should not lay on your back as this can put too much weight on the main vein that circulates blood and oxygen to baby.
This vein is known as the vena cava.
For those of you who like soft and squishy pillows you may want to think about a down pillow, however if money is an issue they make alternative down pillows that are just as soft.
Any kind of pillow can be placed either behind your back, in between your knees to help eliminate pressure, and under your belly to make sleeping more comfortable.
It's all a matter of personal preference as to what you prefer.
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