Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

What to Do About Problem Dog Behavior - 7 Tips to Solve Your Problem

Does your dog have behavior problems that you can't stop? Read these 7 tips and you will find out how to stop problem dog behavior.
1) A tired dog is a good dog.
Does your dog get enough exercise? Try taking your dog for walks, or play more than you do now.
Some experts say that you should spend about 90 minutes per day exercising and playing with your dog.
2) Has your dog learned to associate a bad behavior with some everyday occurrences, like excessive barking when people come to the door or jumping on people? Maybe your dog has some fears about people at the door or associates getting attention by jumping on people.
Try to find out why your dog is behaving this way and then you can work on a remedy.
3) Chewing.
Does your dog chew things when you are away? Dogs use their mouths much like we use our hands.
They use their mouths to find out what something feels like or how it tastes.
Dogs especially like objects with your scent on them.
Try to put these things away so that they are not easy for your dog to get at.
4) Aggression.
Your dog growls, snaps or lunges at other dogs.
Once again, is there some reason that your dog is doing this? It is difficult to train your dog to not do this, but you can teach your dog to do something else.
Can you find another behavior to teach your dog to do when you know that there will be other dogs around.
Can you find a place where there is a barrier like a fence between your dog and the perceived threat (the other dogs)? Then there will be no contact while you train your dog an alternate behavior.
Your dog could also have a medical problem, he/she might not feel good or could be in pain.
Have your vet check the dog just in case.
5) Excessive Barking.
What is motivating your dog to bark? To deal with this problem you must understand the dog.
Once you have determined the cause, if you can't remove the problem from the dog's environment, you can use the "wait and reward when they stop" method, the squirt gun method or wrap your hands around his/her snout and give a quiet shh command.
As with anything these methods only work through repetition.
6) Dog ignores you.
The dog may think that something bad is about to happen, "paid attention last time and nothing good came of it".
7) Pulling on the lead - the old method of choke collar is not as effective as using a head harness collar.
This is worn around the dog's nose and neck and the leash is attached under the chin.
This works more like a horses bridle and gives the owner more control.
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