- 1). Contact the school. Depending on the school district, planting a tree may be as simple as contacting the school and asking for permission. Ask for the lead groundskeeper and discuss your project. He can provide information and assist you in presenting the project to the school principal.
- 2). Write a formal request to the school district. Generally, school districts have a master plan. Your tree planting project may be a welcome addition, especially if you present it as a cost-saving measure.
- 3). Select the tree. Once the project is tentatively approved, ask for the list of approved tree species. If the district does not have a list, consult with the groundskeeper and the local agricultural extension office. Consider the location and climate as well as the aesthetics of the tree. For example, an orange tree in Minnesota is not a good choice -- unless it is in a greenhouse.
- 4). Arrange for a tree planting ceremony. A school is a semi-public place and local dignitaries are always looking for a photo opportunity. With the support of the mayor or your congressional representatives, the tree planting project has a better chance of approval. Coordinate the details and date with the school principal, groundskeeper and school district.