- 1). First, get an idea of what fast food restaurants you like to eat at. Then find out what their websites are. Usually it's their name like subway.com or burgerking.com (actually it's bk.com). If it's some obscure one, just type their name into google and it should be the first result.
- 2). Once you're on the restaurant's website, highlight the address from the address bar on the top of your browser and copy it with ctrl-c or right click then copy.
- 3). Then go to google.com and click on "advanced search" on the right side of the normal search box. Then find the box for "Search within a site or domain" and paste in the restaurant website's address. If you want to quickly test one that will basically always work, type in hardees.com there. They always have monthly specials or at least they did when this article was written.
- 4). Now type the word coupon in the "all these words" box that contains what you're really searching for. This combination will search the entire Hardees website for the word coupon. It's pretty likely that the first result will be the Hardees promotions page. With any other restaurant it should be something similar. Almost all of them have some sort of printable coupons on their website, usually for whatever their latest invention is. If they don't have one of those, usually it's some sort of buy one get one free deal.
- 5). Click on whatever result looks like it would contain a printable coupon and when you find it, print it off. Your printer has to be decent enough quality to print the barcode well enough if there is one. If it can't handle that, the serial number under the bar code at least has to be readable because they should be able to key it manually in if necessary. Most fast food places don't scan their coupons until later if at all though so don't worry too much about it but you should still probably get a better printer if it's blurry.
- 6). If you can't find a coupon this way, either choose a different restaurant or go to their site and dig around manually until you can find them because almost all of them have some hidden somewhere. Just be prepared to jump through some hoops and possibly give them your e-mail address. Read my other article about how to give them a valid but fake e-mail address if you're worried about them spamming you.
- 7). Now just go to the restaurant and give them the coupon and tada, you got a big discount. So what's the catch in all this? Well, fast food companies want your e-mail address so they can send you "newsletters" packed with ads and the offer of free coupons is a good way to do it. They also want you to try their new product at a severely discounted price because they think you'll come back for it later so over time it's a worthwhile investment. For example, I found a $1 off Hardees new thickburger coupon. It's not that expensive by itself so $1 off is awesome. But the coupon was only valid for 2 weeks and then they discontinued it. Their theory is people would go for the great deal, think it's awesome, and come back without a coupon after the discount campaign is over. Every time Subway comes out with a new sub type, they do the same thing. But of course if you just go from restaurant to restaurant, getting the newest awesome deal, it breaks the system. For some reason they think people won't do that but hey, google makes it a lot easier so why not?