You might be one of those people who think that if you don't have a lot of valuables, you don't need a home security system.
This is a very common misconception.
While security systems certainly address property protection, there are numerous and far more important benefits.
First and foremost, they protect people.
You, your significant other, children, parents and even pets are the ones who really benefit from it.
Look at it this way, thieves break in and take what they can carry quickly, easily and inconspicuously.
They look for small to medium-sized items of the highest value possible.
If someone nabs your television, stereo, computer, or even a piece of art - you've lost something that costs perhaps $500 - maybe more, maybe less.
Wouldn't you rather pay the ongoing security system monitoring fees that run between $24 and $40 a month to save $500? An even bigger risk is your family's safety.
Do you want to know you are safe in your home at night? How much do you value your children's safety when they are home after school - or with a babysitter when you're away? Would you pay $24-$40 a month to know the people in your house are protected? That's where the value of extra security lies.
And while that is absolutely the best and most important reason to get security, there are a few other big ones, including the safety of your home itself.
Did you know home security systems can watch for fire? They can both interface with your smoke detectors and detect quick and significant changes in heat.
Before you are even aware, your system can alert you to a potential fire.
If you are not around, it can call for help.
Then there's the other end of the spectrum - extreme cold.
Do you ever worry that your pipes might freeze and burst? Open windows, insulation problems, leaky roofs, and problems with your furnace - temperature sensors can detect cold as well as hot and alert you to potential problems.
Best yet, a security system can watch for flooding.
It's hard to say what does more damage to a house - fire or water.
Why risk either? The right one can also alert you to the first sign of flooding and if you are not available, it will alert your monitoring company.
Security systems can even watch carbon monoxide levels and save lives.
ADT's Family Package is a great example of a complete home security system which can do all of these things and more.
In the end, a home security system's greatest strengths are the protections it provides you, your family and your home.
This is a very common misconception.
While security systems certainly address property protection, there are numerous and far more important benefits.
First and foremost, they protect people.
You, your significant other, children, parents and even pets are the ones who really benefit from it.
Look at it this way, thieves break in and take what they can carry quickly, easily and inconspicuously.
They look for small to medium-sized items of the highest value possible.
If someone nabs your television, stereo, computer, or even a piece of art - you've lost something that costs perhaps $500 - maybe more, maybe less.
Wouldn't you rather pay the ongoing security system monitoring fees that run between $24 and $40 a month to save $500? An even bigger risk is your family's safety.
Do you want to know you are safe in your home at night? How much do you value your children's safety when they are home after school - or with a babysitter when you're away? Would you pay $24-$40 a month to know the people in your house are protected? That's where the value of extra security lies.
And while that is absolutely the best and most important reason to get security, there are a few other big ones, including the safety of your home itself.
Did you know home security systems can watch for fire? They can both interface with your smoke detectors and detect quick and significant changes in heat.
Before you are even aware, your system can alert you to a potential fire.
If you are not around, it can call for help.
Then there's the other end of the spectrum - extreme cold.
Do you ever worry that your pipes might freeze and burst? Open windows, insulation problems, leaky roofs, and problems with your furnace - temperature sensors can detect cold as well as hot and alert you to potential problems.
Best yet, a security system can watch for flooding.
It's hard to say what does more damage to a house - fire or water.
Why risk either? The right one can also alert you to the first sign of flooding and if you are not available, it will alert your monitoring company.
Security systems can even watch carbon monoxide levels and save lives.
ADT's Family Package is a great example of a complete home security system which can do all of these things and more.
In the end, a home security system's greatest strengths are the protections it provides you, your family and your home.