- 1). Plant American persimmon in locations in any soil that is moist and well-drained. Persimmons will not tolerate "wet feet" or drought conditions. The top of a gentle slope that gets full sun is an ideal location. Plant different cultivars 20 feet apart to ensure cross-pollination and a crop.
- 2). Fertilize American persimmon once a year in early spring with a balanced 10-10-10 tree fertilizer. Sprinkle the fertilizer on the soil over the root zone of the tree at the rate recommended on the package for its size and age. Water the fertilizer in with 2 inches of water to help the nutrients leach down to the roots.
- 3). Spread a 3-foot ring of mulch 2 to 4 inches deep, starting six inches from the trunk of the persimmon, to suppress weeds, hold moisture and regulate soil temperature. Rake out and replace mulch annually to keep it fresh and effective.
- 4). Water every 10 days during the growing season if weather is dry, but less often if it's unusually rainy. Too much or too little water can affect fruit production in American persimmon trees.
- 5). Prune out dead or broken branches whenever you see them. Clean pruning tools before and after each use to keep from infecting pruning wounds with bacteria, fungus or insect eggs.