Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Yoga for Lower Back Pain - Yoga your Way to a Healthier Lower Back

For many people in the world, lower back pain is probably the most prevalent and irritating kind of pain. Lower back pain, which makes up the lumbar area, can happen for numerous reasons, like lumbar tension, nerve soreness, lumbar radiculopathy, bone encroachment, and poor state of bones and joints. The severity of lower back pain can differ depending on the reason for the pain, from being light to extreme. For some individuals, lower back pain may be tolerable, while for others, it may affect with their daily life. In comparison to the use of drugs and surgical treatments, one excellent alternative treatment for this problem is yoga for back pain and what's more is that it is more secure and less expensive.

Today, back pain relief can be easily attained through a number of treatment alternatives, such as the consumption of various anti-inflammatory medicines, chiropracters, physical therapy, stretching and strengthening exercises, yoga, and various surgical procedures, to mention a few. Though most medical procedures can quickly handle lower back pain, many people are hesitant, considering the many side effects that are linked to these procedures. As a result, natural and home remedies, particularly yoga exercises, are quite preferred today.

Thought to be one of the best alternative treatments, yoga is a reliable, affordable, and effective treatment for lower back problems, along with many others. Compared to conventional exercise routines, like aerobics, strengthening, and stretches for lower back pain, yoga was found to be much more effective in the remedy of chronic lower back pain. At the same time, an effective yoga style for reducing lower back pain is the Hatha yoga. In a study conducted, it was observed that frequently practicing yoga made patients take 80% less pain drugs and one-third of their pain lowered.

Obviously, much like everything else, there are some things that should be thoroughly considered before you start doing yoga for lower back pain. If lower back pain is due to an injury or trauma to the spine, it would be finest to talk to a physician, a physical therapist, or a chiropractor first as incorrectly doing yoga with a spine injury may intensify the health.

Also, not all yoga styles are ideally suited for lower back pain that is brought on by a disc herniation, like Kundalini, Ashtanga, and Bikram. The Vini yoga is another great style for lower back pain, aside from the Hatha yoga. This style is easy to learn and allows for poses that can be adapted by various body types. Always keep in mind though, with yoga treatments, simplicity, moderation, and gentleness is most desirable.
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