- If you're consistent in the stance you take before shooting, your overall archery performance will be more consistent. Choose a stance that lets you get maximum leverage for your height. This increases the power of your shot. FITA permits archers to use devices that raise their foot during a shooting stance, as long as the devices don't obstruct other athletes or protrude more than 2cm past the length of the shoe.
- With the hand you use to hold the bow, keep your grip light and relaxed. A tightly clenched grip turns the bow, affecting the accuracy of your shot. Pull the string back with a three-finger grip, meaning that your index finger is over the arrow's nock and your middle and ring fingers are below the nock. FITA allows athletes to use gloves, arm guards and shooting tape to aid them in safely pulling back the bow string.
- Find an anchor point on your face where your hand will rest, with the bow string at full draw, while you aim. This keeps your aiming technique consistent and accurate. For instance, you could rest your index finger under your chin with the bow string nearly touching your nose. Under FITA rules, you may use field glasses or even a telescope to aim, provided that you don't obstruct the view of other shooters.
- Do not release your arrow until your eyes are entirely focused on your target. Extend your bow arm toward your target as you release. After your release, keep your head turned toward the target until the arrow lands. This prevents you from dropping the bow too soon and affecting the arrow's trajectory. FITA says tournament arrows must be marked with your name and initials, so there is no dispute over whose arrow landed where.