- 1). Wrap your display case bedding in black or white velvet or a similarly matted material to highlight the luster and color of your merchandise. Display lighter pieces such as diamonds, crystal and white pearls on black velvet. Display darker stones such as rubies, sapphires, onyx, amethyst and darker colored pearls on white or cream-colored velvet.
- 2). Display no more than 10 items per case if possible. Highlight merchandise variety by choosing one piece from each style, such as ring cut, pearl color or specific artist. A display case containing dozens of rings or bracelets is visually overwhelming. If a customer inquires about a specific piece, you can bring a tray of similarly styled pieces from the back.
- 3). Stagger your levels. Place velvet-covered display bars and pedestals in the rear of the display case. Place display pedestals by themselves or within rows to accentuate featured or otherwise special pieces. Display bars let you visually organize smaller items, such as earrings, better than two flat rows of the same delicate piece.
- 4). Arrange display cases to reflect the preferences of your store's typical customer. For customers more interested in a certain style or stone than cost, cluster your displays by type, then price. Conversely, a store that attracts price-sensitive customers should arrange its display cases by price and then by stone type or style.