- 1). Take the liner out of the carton. Spread it out in the sun to warm up and inspect it for holes.
- 2). Place the liner inside the empty pool, smooth side down. Center the round seam at the base of the wall. The other seams should form straight lines across the bottom of the pool.
- 3). Smooth out all of the wrinkles in the bottom of the pool and drape the sides of the liner over the wall of the pool.
- 4). Without pulling the liner tight, fasten the liner to the pool with the plastic coping temporarily.
- 5). Attach the hose to the water faucet and place the other end in the pool. Begin filling the pool with water.
- 6). Smooth out the liner along the walls of the pool as the pool fills with water. Remove the coping from the top of the pool wall one piece at a time. Pull the liner tight and reapply the coping.
- 7). After all of the wrinkles have been removed, trim the plastic coping so that there are no overlapping areas of coping.
- 8). Roll up the excess liner hanging outside of the pool and tape it in place. Avoid trimming the pool liner.