Pets & Animal Pets Birds

How to Tackle a Parrot"s Biting Issues

First and foremost, you have to understand that after not being handled for a long time, parrots tend to be slightly aggressive.
You must also know that parrots are mostly a one person bird.
What this means is that parrots tend to bond more with one person.
You have to give your parrot some time to counter this problem and let him get used to your presence and to build his trust in you.
The most important thing is getting your parrot out of his cage because to him it's his territory and he will bite if threatened as he is inclined to protect it.
All birds no matter what age, gender or type can be tamed especially parrots but you have to devote a lot of time, patience and attention to training.
Add to the fact that some parrots are famous for feather plucking and screaming, I would say your problem can't be solved overnight.
There are a few methods to do it but for handling purposes i suggest you do it this way.
I would suggest that you get a clicker, but if there is none available try to obtain something that makes a clicking sound consistently.
You will also need a wooden dowel as a target stick.
Next, what you have to do is to get the stick to your parrot inside the cage.
If that is not possible, do it outside the cage.
Your parrot's first instinct would be to bite.
As soon as his beak touches the stick, click the clicker and give him a treat.
Repeat this until he associates the click and touch target as getting a treat.
Once your parrot is used to this, open the cage door and hold the target stick with your left hand with the treat.
Try to make your parrot come out of the cage and put your hand in between the target stick as a perch for your parrot to get to the treat.
Your parrot easily should perch onto your hand to get to the treat.
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