Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Treatment of Osteoporosis, Naturally, Effectively

It's not uncommon for people to get osteoporosis these days. Especially frail and prone to it are the elderly.

Before I start discussing the treatment of osteoporosis, I want to take you back to how you evolved.

Take a look at your teeth. Do they look more like cats teeth or horses teeth? You may not know what their teeth look like, so I'll tell you.

Cats teeth are sharp and spiky. Horses teeth are flat and blunt. Which do yours resemble?

Cats are carnivores and rely heavily on meat to have a healthy life. Horses are herbivores and they need an exclusive diet of plant material to live in a healthy way.

You are an omnivore. But, judging by your teeth, you are at the herbivore end. Unlike dogs, also omnivores, whose teeth are very similar to cats, putting them at the carnivore end.

Those animals who digest plant material need long intestines, and sometimes multiple stomachs, as plant material can take a while to digest. Raw meat, on the other hand, digests quite quickly (as opposed to cooked meat). So exclusive meat eaters tend to have short intestines.

Your intestines are longer than the equivalent of cats and shorter than the equivalent of horses.

These two factors mean that you evolved on a diet of mostly plant material, but with meat occasionally.

Chimpanzees, our closest relatives, eat meat occasionally - from anywhere between once a week to once a month.

Where did the idea of eating meat two, even three times a day come from? Probably because it was a symbol of wealth.

I believe that this is one of the most important contributors to the prevalence of osteoporosis.

With this firmly in mind, the treatment of osteoporosis is suddenly crystal clear. Cut back on your meat consumption and increase your fresh fruit and veggies.

Putting it another way, meat makes you acid. Fruit and veggies make you alkaline. Your body pH should be slightly alkaline, for optimum health.

Natural treatment of osteoporosis can be as simple as changing your diet. Reduce your animal protein and up your fresh fruit and veggie intake. Green leafy veggies are especially dense in calcium in an easily absorbable and balanced form.

Supplements can be a good idea to ensure you are getting all the nutrients you need. But there are the good, the bad and the ugly supplements. How do you know which is good value for money and won't harm?

Supplements should be in the form of a naturally occurring food, in perfect balance with all the other nutrients you need. Not in an isolated or synthetic mineral supplement which at best is a waste of money, and at worst can cause harm.

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