Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

Easy Way of Painting a Pool Rim

A pool rim adds to the overall beauty of the swimming pool when done wonderfully and with a good choice of colors.
However, painting the rim can be a messy job if you don't know how to properly do it in the most convenient and neatest way.
Hiring a pool contractor to do the job for you means another breaking of the bank.
The best thing to do if you are in a budget and still want to have a beautiful swimming pool is to do it on your own as most contractors and workers charge a high price for their services.
There are two ways on how to do it, either with the water in the pool or the much easier accomplished task of having empty water in the pool.
Working while there is water in the pool can be done but will give you a difficult time of properly doing it in a convenient position.
On the other hand, if you drain the water in the pool you can work from the bottom of the pool in a standing position without any worries of getting water on the pool rim.
Before you purchase your paint, make sure that you have an idea or you know what type of paint is suitable for the pool rim as the chemicals used on the pool water have a tendency to wash off the paint and remove it from the rim.
If you are not sure with what is good to use, you can always check out your local pool supply store and ask them what is advisable for use without worrying about the reaction caused by the chemicals added on the pool regularly.
Spray can-type of paints offer much easier and faster way of finishing the job than the traditional manually paint brushing of the entire pool rim.
You can choose from either epoxy, rubber based or acrylic latex depending on your choice or on the necessary material for your pool type.
Be careful when choosing a paint color and remember to pick something that will blend well or highlight your pool instead of ruining its design.
Prior to the painting of the rim, make sure that you have prepared and masked the side of the pool in order to avoid dripping or excess paints outside the rim that will ruin the design and appearance of the pool.
You can also put old newspaper at the bottom of the pool in case you are manually painting with paintbrush to catch falling excess paints on the floor.
Spray or paint with your brush the entire rim of your swimming pool and repeat the process when needed or desired.
Remember that painting it by distributing and spreading the color properly gives it an equal, smooth tone.
After the painting of the whole rim all over the pool, let it rest and dry for a while before you can remove the masking tape as doing it before it dries up will only peel off some of the paints together with the masking tape.
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