Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

Adolescent Sleep Deprivation

Adolescent sleep deprivation is an incredibly common problem, due to changes in the human body in the later stages of puberty.
Teens' bodies begin to release melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep, later in the day than when they were children.
This results in the problem of teens staying up late at night and wanting to sleep late in the morning.
Naturally this can cause problems for teens who need to wake up early for school.
Symptoms of lack of sleep in adolescents include impaired memory and cognitive ability, which are of course very important for academic success.
Concentration during class can be painfully difficult, and brainstorming new ideas comes to a halt.
Group work may also be harmed because of impaired ability to communicate effectively, and self-consciousness that increases with a lack of sleep causes introvertedness.
As teens struggle to deal with all the hormonal changes going on in their bodies, as well as the stresses of teen social life, their emotions are often unstable.
A lack of sleep can compound their emotional instability, and cause irritiability, overreaction, and depression.
There are other sleep deprivation symptoms that appear in young adults, but perhaps these are the most common and pressing.
According to various sleep deprivation studies, there are a number of things that adolescents can do to optimize their sleeping patterns.
One important suggestion is to avoid smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee, especially later in the day.
Both caffeine and nicotine are stimulants, which remain in the body for hours after consumption.
Caffeine can remain in the body for up to nine hours.
Another important tip is to avoid looking at a television or computer screen before bed, because these stimulate brain activity.
Similarily, exciting and catchy music can put the listener into an energetic state that precludes sleep.
This is particularly true of much of the music popular amongst adolescents, with its loud volume and high energy.
It's common and natural for teens to remain awake and alert late in the evenings while wanting to sleep late in the morning.
But by using common sense and having healthy habits, teens can minimize the impact of those tendencies and get a good night's sleep.
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