Wow! What will they think of next? Prescription ADHD meds are being used for a whole slew of other reasons than those they are intended for.
For example, students have taken to using them to cram in an all-nighter the day before the big exam.
A myriad of celebrities like the waif-like Paris Hiltons of Hollywood are using drugs like Adderall to keep their weight at skeletal proportions.
In the local school parking lots, you can find any variety of ADHD meds available for purchase so you can get high before school classes.
It's no small wonder that an adult ADHD patient would feel a little disheartened taking these drugs or those parents of children with ADHD would be looking at alternative treatment options that are non-addictive and safe to use.
As an ADHD patient, adults and children alike, require more than just pill popping to help manage and balance their daily lives.
Experts have been engaged in heated battles for years about the negative side effects of taking long-term prescription medications like Ritalin and Adderall.
The shocking side effects like strokes, heart attacks, suicidal thoughts even are well-known and documented.
Instead, therapy like behaviour modification has been recommended to help an ADHD patient recognize and learn bad behaviour and exchange them for their good counterparts.
Another form of treatment to think about for the ADHD patient is dietary control.
We should all avoid those fatty processed foods that have seem to become a staple in everyone's diets overall.
This goes even more so for those who have ADHD.
A possible lack of the essentials of iron and zinc is a greater risk for those with ADHD as well.
One of the most, if not, the most essentials for a healthy brain is the Omega 3 fatty acid that is found is fish oils.
If you've got picky eaters, there are good quality Omega 3 supplements available in today's market.
Exercise and fresh air are an excellent way for the ADHD patient to combat those symptoms of restlessness and hyperactivity.
Another way to combat those symptoms as well as others associated with ADHD is to use homeopathic treatments.
Homeopathic remedies have been proven to be just as effective as their prescription counterparts, yet completely safe and non-addictive as well.
Not to mention, homeopathic remedies are more cost effective than prescription drugs.
So, what's your next step? Take your research to the next level.
Find out some more information on the choices available to you.
Helping to restore balance to a person's life that has ADHD is not only beneficial to them, but also to those around them.
For example, students have taken to using them to cram in an all-nighter the day before the big exam.
A myriad of celebrities like the waif-like Paris Hiltons of Hollywood are using drugs like Adderall to keep their weight at skeletal proportions.
In the local school parking lots, you can find any variety of ADHD meds available for purchase so you can get high before school classes.
It's no small wonder that an adult ADHD patient would feel a little disheartened taking these drugs or those parents of children with ADHD would be looking at alternative treatment options that are non-addictive and safe to use.
As an ADHD patient, adults and children alike, require more than just pill popping to help manage and balance their daily lives.
Experts have been engaged in heated battles for years about the negative side effects of taking long-term prescription medications like Ritalin and Adderall.
The shocking side effects like strokes, heart attacks, suicidal thoughts even are well-known and documented.
Instead, therapy like behaviour modification has been recommended to help an ADHD patient recognize and learn bad behaviour and exchange them for their good counterparts.
Another form of treatment to think about for the ADHD patient is dietary control.
We should all avoid those fatty processed foods that have seem to become a staple in everyone's diets overall.
This goes even more so for those who have ADHD.
A possible lack of the essentials of iron and zinc is a greater risk for those with ADHD as well.
One of the most, if not, the most essentials for a healthy brain is the Omega 3 fatty acid that is found is fish oils.
If you've got picky eaters, there are good quality Omega 3 supplements available in today's market.
Exercise and fresh air are an excellent way for the ADHD patient to combat those symptoms of restlessness and hyperactivity.
Another way to combat those symptoms as well as others associated with ADHD is to use homeopathic treatments.
Homeopathic remedies have been proven to be just as effective as their prescription counterparts, yet completely safe and non-addictive as well.
Not to mention, homeopathic remedies are more cost effective than prescription drugs.
So, what's your next step? Take your research to the next level.
Find out some more information on the choices available to you.
Helping to restore balance to a person's life that has ADHD is not only beneficial to them, but also to those around them.