The main function of all intruder alarms is to keep the owners and valuables of a home secure.
There are various kinds of intruder alarms, but improvements in technology also increase the ability to protect our valuables.
A fast improving part of the alarm system is the intruder alarm panel.
Previously, intruder alarms were very simple - a buzzer that was attached to the entryway.
Now, the alarm is controlled better with the help of burglar alarm panels.
The simplest and common kind of alarm panel is a numeric or alphanumeric keypad.
Using this, a set of numbers and letters can be chosen as a passcode.
This passcode will allow the owner to disarm/arm the alarm.
Even though this looks like an excellent system to secure your valuables, the realistic fact is that people are very predictable, and proof of this is the fact that the most common password is "password.
" Intruder alarm panels are the same.
People choose easy numbers like "0000" or "1234," their birthdays, or other important dates.
These numbers can be easily deduced by anyone with access to such information of the person.
The best option is to select a number that you do not have any linkage with.
It can be random numbers taken from a random number generator and memorized, but this is the best way to protect your passcode from detection by unpleasant people.
In recent years, intruder alarm panels have made many improvements.
The alarm panels are no longer numeric and alpha-numeric, but in some commercial buildings, smart-card readers are used as control panels.
Smart cards are given to all people who are allowed access to the building.
The person swipes or holds the smart card near the reader to allow for access.
Cards can be easily stolen, so to offset this issue, intruder alarm panels are biometric, which are mostly used in highly secure government installations where security is very vital.
Biometrics use the individual as the key.
They are used to read retinas, fingerprints, facial recognition and even hand recognition.
In the beginning, the technology was not widely used as it had a lot of bugs and had a lot of problems.
But as technology improved, the biometric burglar alarm panels have become very effective for homes with high risks.
When you select your intruder alarm panel for your home, you need to be very sure that the one you finally decide on is able to fit all your exact needs.
The best way to do this is to be practical about the threats that can face your home without getting any paranoia in the way.
This will help you to protect your valuables better.
There are various kinds of intruder alarms, but improvements in technology also increase the ability to protect our valuables.
A fast improving part of the alarm system is the intruder alarm panel.
Previously, intruder alarms were very simple - a buzzer that was attached to the entryway.
Now, the alarm is controlled better with the help of burglar alarm panels.
The simplest and common kind of alarm panel is a numeric or alphanumeric keypad.
Using this, a set of numbers and letters can be chosen as a passcode.
This passcode will allow the owner to disarm/arm the alarm.
Even though this looks like an excellent system to secure your valuables, the realistic fact is that people are very predictable, and proof of this is the fact that the most common password is "password.
" Intruder alarm panels are the same.
People choose easy numbers like "0000" or "1234," their birthdays, or other important dates.
These numbers can be easily deduced by anyone with access to such information of the person.
The best option is to select a number that you do not have any linkage with.
It can be random numbers taken from a random number generator and memorized, but this is the best way to protect your passcode from detection by unpleasant people.
In recent years, intruder alarm panels have made many improvements.
The alarm panels are no longer numeric and alpha-numeric, but in some commercial buildings, smart-card readers are used as control panels.
Smart cards are given to all people who are allowed access to the building.
The person swipes or holds the smart card near the reader to allow for access.
Cards can be easily stolen, so to offset this issue, intruder alarm panels are biometric, which are mostly used in highly secure government installations where security is very vital.
Biometrics use the individual as the key.
They are used to read retinas, fingerprints, facial recognition and even hand recognition.
In the beginning, the technology was not widely used as it had a lot of bugs and had a lot of problems.
But as technology improved, the biometric burglar alarm panels have become very effective for homes with high risks.
When you select your intruder alarm panel for your home, you need to be very sure that the one you finally decide on is able to fit all your exact needs.
The best way to do this is to be practical about the threats that can face your home without getting any paranoia in the way.
This will help you to protect your valuables better.