Business & Finance Corporations

Making Extra Cash or Starting a Business

Almost everyone wants or needs to make money these days.
That's understandable, considering the current economic climate.
One way to make extra money is to start your own business; even a small home based business.
However, many of these people who want or need more money would never consider starting a business of any sort.
Why? To many people, the idea of starting a business is scary.
To them there is something too formal or too "final" about starting a business.
Many people have negative ideas about businesses.
Maybe they heard in school or elsewhere that business people are greedy or evil people.
Maybe they heard that you need a lot of money to start your own business.
Maybe they heard you need to be super-smart to start a business.
Well, if you are one of those people who needs extra funds but can't see yourself starting your own business, listen up.
There is almost no difference between making extra cash and starting a small home business.
The only real difference is whether you commit to pursue that "side" activity day after day, or just do it once or twice and then stop.
It's just a matter of commitment - commitment to yourself.
Let me give you a couple of examples:
  • A 10 year old boy gets his step father to buy him large containers (100 pieces) of jawbreaker candies (called gobstoppers in some countries).
    They cost about $4.
    00 for the 100.
    He sells them in school to his classmates for 10 cents each.
    He does this every week during the school year.
    Found money or a small business?
  • A 16 year old boy goes to a hardware store and buys some gardening tools; hedge clippers, lawn mower and a few similar tools.
    During his summer vacation from school, he goes into neighborhoods and offers his services as a gardener.
    He makes more money than he could have by flipping hamburgers.
    Spending money or a small business?
  • A 17 year old boy goes to an auto parts store and buys an electric buffer and assorted car washing and waxing supplies.
    He gets a cell phone and has business cards printed up, with his phone number and "J's Car Detailing Service - Pick up and Delivery.
    " During his summer vacation he makes $100 a day for a half day's work, washing and waxing cars in his parents' driveway, while working on his tan and listening to music.
    Found money or a small business?
  • A young married man feels too much pressure at work, so he gets a digital camera and learns how to use it - but well and seriously.
    He gets photography software for his computer and learns how to use it.
    He takes pictures, graduation portraits of a friend's daughter.
    He presents the family with a large portrait.
    They show friends, who decide to use him for their photo needs.
    Now he charges money, slowly raising prices as he gets better and as people suddenly need his talents.
    What would you call this?
Actually this is the same young man.
Now, you might do the exact same things and call it extra cash.
Many people would.
He always saw himself as a businessman.
Today he is an internationally known photographer.
You can make a few dollars (or pounds or lira) by selling some junk from your basement or spare room.
You can make a few dollars by helping a neighbor do some landscaping.
You can do it by having a cooking class in your home.
Or, you can do the exact same things, but commit yourself to continuing these activities and suddenly, without realizing it, you are in business for yourself.
By changing from making extra money to becoming a business person, you didn't become a greedy, evil person.
No, you just made a commitment to yourself to continue providing services to other people, but in a more consistent way.
Do you need or want extra money? Here's a secret.
Look at all of the "small business" activities on this and other web sites or in your local library.
Find a few things that interest you and do them for people.
At first you don't even need to make any money.
See if you like the activity enough to do it every day or maybe two or three times a week.
If you find something, let your neighbors and friends that you will help people - them or their friends - for a bit of spending money..
Notice that there was never a mention of buying a franchise or taking an expensive course.
No, if you like these ideas and you want to try something like that later on, you can look then.
Now is just for getting your feet wet and making some extra cash.
Good luck with your hunt for money.
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