Stress, constipation, incorrect respiration process and internal weakness are the main causes of fatigue in the daily life. Through Yogic techniques one can quickly removes fatigue: even the few minutes of complete and profound relaxation are much more reposing than hours of sleep.
Proper breathing is the essential for the proper relaxation. Healthy respiration helps to improve the blood circulation, balance your hormones and boosting the flow of oxygen, which automatically reduces stress and fatigue. Most of the people make the mistake in the respiration process when they breathing in they take the abdomen in and breathing out and bringing their abdomen out. The correct breathing technique is, when you inhale and bring the abdomen out, and breath out and take the abdomen in. This process should be as slow as, it can be. Always try to follow this pattern in routine life.
Yoga – Pranayama
• Deep breathing technique Bhastrika helps in inhaling more oxygen into the body, which helps in energising the brain cells.
Process :
• Go in a open air.
• Start to inhale and exhale through nose rapidly for one minute, relax for few seconds and repeat.
• In this kriya there is no restrain of breath.
• This kriya can be repeated for around 7-8 times at one stretch but should be done before meal.
Yoga Massage :
Massage your ears and ear region with your hand and rub them nicely with Almond Oil. This massage will release the stress within few seconds that will bring much-needed nutrients and oxygen to rejuvenate the cells of the brain.
Laughter Therapy Yoga :
All of us should laugh at least for three times a day. Each person should consider laughing a key to health and free from tension, restraints and worries. Our body, mind, brain and entire nervous system attains to the perfect natural situation and thus, deficiencies as also ailments all are removed. The persons maintain humorous atmosphere around them throughout the day simultaneous to routine and sometimes, laugh loudly; keep themselves free from the diseases and their mind, brain, the entire nervous system receive innovative smartness and the energy every moment.
Yoga Mudra:
Practise of Pran Mudra and Apan Mudra will help a lot in improving the level of tiredness of the body. With the practise of Apan Mudra the body slowly gets purified. Practise of this mudra reforms the body and very minutely affects the mental cleanness also. By joining the Tips of ring finger and middle finger with the tip of the Thumb, this Apan Mudra is formed. By joining the Tips of ring finger and little finger with the tip of the Thumb, this PRAN MUDRA is formed.
The continuous practise of this yog mudra gives the acolyte's entire body, speedy transition and rejuvenation of the exhausted Vital energy.
Yoga Asanas
Surya namaskar is the best sets of the yoga asanas which are very helpful in overcoming the tiredness and fatigue as these group of exercises give proper stretching to the whole body and rectify the respiration process. It is considered as the best exercise for human body. Each step of Surya Namaskar is counteract the one before, stretching the body in a different way and alternately expanding and contracting the whole body and specially the chest to regulate the breathing.
1. Stand facing the rising sun, both feet touching, the hands together in namaskar Mudra. Slowly inhale and exhale the long breath for few seconds. Meditate on the rising sun and visualize that the sunlight is radiating throughout your body.
2. While Inhaling raise the arms upward. Slowly bend backward, stretching arms above the head and hold the breath for few seconds. This pose is also known as Vakshasthal Shakti Vikasak.
3. Exhale and bend forward till palms touch the ground in line with the toes and relax the neck. Legs should be straight. Do not bend the knees. Hold the position and breath.
4. Inhale and take the left leg back with left toe touch the floor. Support weight on both hands, right leg should be in 90 degree from the knee. Try to keep your left knee off the floor. Now exhale and relax in this position.
5. While Inhaling raise the arms upward. Slowly bend backward, stretching arms above the head and hold the breath for few seconds.
6. While exhaling come back. Keep both hands on the ground. Now inhale and change the position of the legs. Right leg should be taken backward and left should be in 90 degree. Try to keep your right knee off the floor. Now relax in this position.
7. While Inhaling raise the arms upward. Slowly bend backward, stretching arms above the head and hold the breath for few seconds.
8. While exhaling, come back and bring the left foot together with the right. Keep arms straight, raise the hips and align the head with the arms, forming an upward arch. Relax.
9. Inhaling slowly bring the waist down and raise the head, neck and shoulders and continue up and back until you can feel your back bending all the way down from the neck to the base of the spine. Tilt the head as far back as possible. The arms may or may not be straight. Try to keep even the waist, thighs and knees above the floor. Keeping in the mind that just your palms and feet should touch the ground. Breathe normally. Hold the position for few seconds.
10. Exhaling come back in third step position and hold for few seconds. Palms should touch the ground in line with the toes and relax the neck. Legs should be straight. Do not bend the knees.
11. Inhale and raise the arms upward. Slowly bend backward, stretching arms above the head.
12. While exhaling come back to step one position. Stand facing the rising sun, both feet touching, the hands together in namaskar Yoga Mudra. Slowly inhale and exhale the long breath for few seconds. Meditate on the rising sun and visualize that the sunlight is radiating throughout your body.
For more on Yoga Mudra you can visit
Proper breathing is the essential for the proper relaxation. Healthy respiration helps to improve the blood circulation, balance your hormones and boosting the flow of oxygen, which automatically reduces stress and fatigue. Most of the people make the mistake in the respiration process when they breathing in they take the abdomen in and breathing out and bringing their abdomen out. The correct breathing technique is, when you inhale and bring the abdomen out, and breath out and take the abdomen in. This process should be as slow as, it can be. Always try to follow this pattern in routine life.
Yoga – Pranayama
• Deep breathing technique Bhastrika helps in inhaling more oxygen into the body, which helps in energising the brain cells.
Process :
• Go in a open air.
• Start to inhale and exhale through nose rapidly for one minute, relax for few seconds and repeat.
• In this kriya there is no restrain of breath.
• This kriya can be repeated for around 7-8 times at one stretch but should be done before meal.
Yoga Massage :
Massage your ears and ear region with your hand and rub them nicely with Almond Oil. This massage will release the stress within few seconds that will bring much-needed nutrients and oxygen to rejuvenate the cells of the brain.
Laughter Therapy Yoga :
All of us should laugh at least for three times a day. Each person should consider laughing a key to health and free from tension, restraints and worries. Our body, mind, brain and entire nervous system attains to the perfect natural situation and thus, deficiencies as also ailments all are removed. The persons maintain humorous atmosphere around them throughout the day simultaneous to routine and sometimes, laugh loudly; keep themselves free from the diseases and their mind, brain, the entire nervous system receive innovative smartness and the energy every moment.
Yoga Mudra:
Practise of Pran Mudra and Apan Mudra will help a lot in improving the level of tiredness of the body. With the practise of Apan Mudra the body slowly gets purified. Practise of this mudra reforms the body and very minutely affects the mental cleanness also. By joining the Tips of ring finger and middle finger with the tip of the Thumb, this Apan Mudra is formed. By joining the Tips of ring finger and little finger with the tip of the Thumb, this PRAN MUDRA is formed.
The continuous practise of this yog mudra gives the acolyte's entire body, speedy transition and rejuvenation of the exhausted Vital energy.
Yoga Asanas
Surya namaskar is the best sets of the yoga asanas which are very helpful in overcoming the tiredness and fatigue as these group of exercises give proper stretching to the whole body and rectify the respiration process. It is considered as the best exercise for human body. Each step of Surya Namaskar is counteract the one before, stretching the body in a different way and alternately expanding and contracting the whole body and specially the chest to regulate the breathing.
1. Stand facing the rising sun, both feet touching, the hands together in namaskar Mudra. Slowly inhale and exhale the long breath for few seconds. Meditate on the rising sun and visualize that the sunlight is radiating throughout your body.
2. While Inhaling raise the arms upward. Slowly bend backward, stretching arms above the head and hold the breath for few seconds. This pose is also known as Vakshasthal Shakti Vikasak.
3. Exhale and bend forward till palms touch the ground in line with the toes and relax the neck. Legs should be straight. Do not bend the knees. Hold the position and breath.
4. Inhale and take the left leg back with left toe touch the floor. Support weight on both hands, right leg should be in 90 degree from the knee. Try to keep your left knee off the floor. Now exhale and relax in this position.
5. While Inhaling raise the arms upward. Slowly bend backward, stretching arms above the head and hold the breath for few seconds.
6. While exhaling come back. Keep both hands on the ground. Now inhale and change the position of the legs. Right leg should be taken backward and left should be in 90 degree. Try to keep your right knee off the floor. Now relax in this position.
7. While Inhaling raise the arms upward. Slowly bend backward, stretching arms above the head and hold the breath for few seconds.
8. While exhaling, come back and bring the left foot together with the right. Keep arms straight, raise the hips and align the head with the arms, forming an upward arch. Relax.
9. Inhaling slowly bring the waist down and raise the head, neck and shoulders and continue up and back until you can feel your back bending all the way down from the neck to the base of the spine. Tilt the head as far back as possible. The arms may or may not be straight. Try to keep even the waist, thighs and knees above the floor. Keeping in the mind that just your palms and feet should touch the ground. Breathe normally. Hold the position for few seconds.
10. Exhaling come back in third step position and hold for few seconds. Palms should touch the ground in line with the toes and relax the neck. Legs should be straight. Do not bend the knees.
11. Inhale and raise the arms upward. Slowly bend backward, stretching arms above the head.
12. While exhaling come back to step one position. Stand facing the rising sun, both feet touching, the hands together in namaskar Yoga Mudra. Slowly inhale and exhale the long breath for few seconds. Meditate on the rising sun and visualize that the sunlight is radiating throughout your body.
For more on Yoga Mudra you can visit