A blog or a web log is a specialized site that allows an individual or group of individuals to share a running log of events and personal insights with online audiences. This journal is often updated daily and contains all information that the person maintaining the blog (the blogger) wishes to share with the world. Like an online dairy. This can be about and be used for anything at all, it can be used for news, reviews, products etc for a business, organisation etc. This is great as it helps the user stay in touch with the website with new and up to date information.
Like all country in the world, Malaysia also hit by the popularity of blogging. To fellow Malaysian, if you dream to become popular blogger like Jeff Ooi or Kenny Sia there are few rules you need to follow. These rules only apply for Malaysian blogger who want to penetrate Malaysian internet market.
1. Critics Malaysia Government
This is the 1st rule to become famous blogger in Malaysia. You must condemn our leaders. There are plenty of topic and issues you can touch. There are NO famous Malaysian blogger that support Barisan Nasional leadership.
2. Ads
Although your blog doesn't gain enough visitors to make a single cent, but you must at least has one ads somewhere. This Ads simply to serve as gesture to your visitor that you a pro-blogger wannabe. But, do not overdo it and annoy your visitor with tremendous amount of ads. Place your ads at normally ads placement area, visit famous blog to get some idea.
3. Re-post.
Since Malaysia a small country with relatively small number of internet user, so the issue that attract Malaysia web surfer not as many as in USA or India. So, visit famous blog every single day, find the topic that you know best and re-post it at your blog. Through your view and comment related to that issue without mentioning you source of idea (famous blog).
4. Malaysian Artist.
Most internet users in Malaysia love their local artist. Either they love or do not care at all. So, DO NOT ever takes a risk by slam any local artist. You can make fun of it, write news, comment or anything, but do no take a chance by condemning Malaysia artist. Remember, our market not that big.
5. Friendly.
Always try to satisfy all your readers. No, it is not impossible. Just listen to them and try to follow their advice as many as possible. Malaysian love to become leader, dictator or at least a ruler of their ‘internet surfing kingdom'. Kenny Sia 100% agrees on this.
6. Lie.
Most Malaysian blog visitors are not I.T savvy. There has no idea how to check visitor details. So, install any kind of page monitor system like StatsCounter and display the counter on your blog. Then, revisit your own blog thousands of time per day. Most I.T blind visitor will amaze with the number. You can also comment your own post to show how famous you are and how loyal your visitor to you.
7. Community.
Join all kind of Malaysia community base site, actively involve in all Malaysia base forums and attend as many Malaysian blogger gathering as possible.
Happy blogging and all the best…!
Like all country in the world, Malaysia also hit by the popularity of blogging. To fellow Malaysian, if you dream to become popular blogger like Jeff Ooi or Kenny Sia there are few rules you need to follow. These rules only apply for Malaysian blogger who want to penetrate Malaysian internet market.
1. Critics Malaysia Government
This is the 1st rule to become famous blogger in Malaysia. You must condemn our leaders. There are plenty of topic and issues you can touch. There are NO famous Malaysian blogger that support Barisan Nasional leadership.
2. Ads
Although your blog doesn't gain enough visitors to make a single cent, but you must at least has one ads somewhere. This Ads simply to serve as gesture to your visitor that you a pro-blogger wannabe. But, do not overdo it and annoy your visitor with tremendous amount of ads. Place your ads at normally ads placement area, visit famous blog to get some idea.
3. Re-post.
Since Malaysia a small country with relatively small number of internet user, so the issue that attract Malaysia web surfer not as many as in USA or India. So, visit famous blog every single day, find the topic that you know best and re-post it at your blog. Through your view and comment related to that issue without mentioning you source of idea (famous blog).
4. Malaysian Artist.
Most internet users in Malaysia love their local artist. Either they love or do not care at all. So, DO NOT ever takes a risk by slam any local artist. You can make fun of it, write news, comment or anything, but do no take a chance by condemning Malaysia artist. Remember, our market not that big.
5. Friendly.
Always try to satisfy all your readers. No, it is not impossible. Just listen to them and try to follow their advice as many as possible. Malaysian love to become leader, dictator or at least a ruler of their ‘internet surfing kingdom'. Kenny Sia 100% agrees on this.
6. Lie.
Most Malaysian blog visitors are not I.T savvy. There has no idea how to check visitor details. So, install any kind of page monitor system like StatsCounter and display the counter on your blog. Then, revisit your own blog thousands of time per day. Most I.T blind visitor will amaze with the number. You can also comment your own post to show how famous you are and how loyal your visitor to you.
7. Community.
Join all kind of Malaysia community base site, actively involve in all Malaysia base forums and attend as many Malaysian blogger gathering as possible.
Happy blogging and all the best…!