Business & Finance Corporations

Seven Home Based Businesses for Work at Home Moms

Nowadays, it's much easier to work from home.
From building a small business to finding employers online, there are so many options for the work-at-home mom.
In order for either to work, whether business or employment, you have to have great time management skills, a reliable staff (if it applies), and a fast internet connection.
Here are top seven business options for Work-at-home moms (WAHMs) today: 1.
Virtual Assistant Being a virtual assistant constitutes a lot of jobs.
Simply put, you will serve as secretary for all online errands of your employer.
You will have to email clients and suppliers, do entry work, follow up and the like.
The person will need to have great communication skills, assertiveness, a knack for meeting deadlines and a very reliable internet service.
Online Tutor Do you fancy teaching ESL? Or maybe a bit of Math? Now, you can do that online via webcam to students from as far as Korea, Nigeria or Vietnam even when you just work from home.
There are several sites which can connect you to students looking for a tutor.
You just need to have a lot of patience and a pleasing personality.
Freelance Writer There are so many writing opportunities online.
They can vary from formal academic writing to casual blogging.
Being a writer will give you a flexible schedule to work with.
And you don't even have to be brilliant just so you can work as one.
Simple Web content just needs basic English and editing skills.
Artist This can refer to graphic art or advertising art which many companies are looking for.
On the other hand, it could also refer to book illustrations or painting which many publishing companies are looking for as well.
If you have the skills for it, then by all means, use them.
You just have to remember how to compartmentalize your time so you can handle all transactions professionally even when you just work from home.
Entrepreneur A home based business is probably one of the most lucrative income-generating tools for the WAHM.
Setting up a small business is easier now as there are several online sales and marketing methods you can utilize such as SEO, back links and the like.
Several products and services are now sold online, so pick one that can let you stand out from the rest early on.
Seller eBay, Amazon as well as social networking market places have popularized selling as a home based business.
You don't even need a lot of capital to sell.
You just have to be resourceful enough to find the things you don't need at home and make it functional again to somebody else.
You can sell everything from clothes, books, collectibles, and tools to home décor.
Craftsperson A new trend is going around.
People are going back to valuing handmade items like jewelry, ceramics, decoupages, baskets, journals again.
This is what makes it such a lucrative home based business.
You can either set up your own website or join sites like etsy.
com for a venue to sell your crafts.
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